Chapter Five// Whoops

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"Erm, hello?" I shouted back through the apartment trying to be as calm as possible at their possibly being an intruder in my home. "What do you mean you're Calum's secret girlfriend?" Sierra questioned stepping out of the living room and revealing herself to me. "Oh my goodness Sierra you shit me up, I forgot you were even here," "well thanks," she replied back sarcastically still with a hint of humour evident in here voice. "Sorry, love you," "love you too. Now back to my question that I asked," "oh about that, erm ignore it," "how can I ignore you, I blatantly saw you kissing each other's faces off before stepping back to prevent myself from throwing up," she laughed back.

At this point Calum came into view and said, "Well not telling anyone, even our friends isn't working out very well so far is it?" He joked and I chuckled but resumed being serious as I didn't know what to do at the moment. "Okay so Sierra, yea-," I began but was cut off by Calum, "sorry Savannah, but I'm pretty sure your bean bags over there are moving," Calum gestured towards the bean bags that I had in the corner of the living room which looked a little bit out of place than usual and did appear to be moving. "Shit Calum go and scope it out for me please," he happily obliged as I looked very worried as there could potentially be an actual intruder this time. Sierra had a worried expression over her face too but it didn't seem like it was for the same reason as mine.

Calum approached the bean bags slowly and picked one up. There was a person there, sat behind the bean bags. I couldn't see the face properly as Calum was stood in the way so I shouted, "Calum be careful, who the fuck is it?" "Sav don't worry, it's just this twat," Calum replied stepping out of the way to reveal Luke curled up behind one of the bean bags still. Calum and I burst out laughing and Luke and Sierra chuckled nervously along with us. "How did you fit behind there, you're so tall," I exclaimed to Luke still chuckling. "I honestly don't know, I'd say adrenaline maybe forced me to do my best at hiding," he replied and Sierra added, "yeah." "Now down to a good question; Luke what the fuck were you doing in my apartment with Sierra," "I invited him over, I hope you don't mind. I'm sorry," "no need to apologise, the whole situation was actually quite funny," I chuckled to them reassuring them of everything. "Oh thank goodness," Luke added.

An awkward silence fell upon us so I shuffled into the living room and gestured for everyone to follow me and sit down. Calum and I sat on one sofa and Luke and Sierra sat on the other. "Soooooo, lovebirds what's going on between you two?" I questioned them both; they looked at each other and then back towards me and Calum. "I don't know, we've only been speaking to each other for three days so there's not really any relationship I suppose," Sierra replied, "yeah I agree," Luke added. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to date him, I just need to get to know him better because even though I love him and his band, I still don't know him that well. If that makes sense," "yeah and I don't even know Sierra at all really but from what I have learnt about her these past few days I know I want to get to know her better."

They both looked at each other and I could see what was about to happen next. They eyed each other's lips for a few seconds before both slowly leaning in; when their lips met it looked like they barely even touched but Luke deepened the kiss and before I knew they were full on sucking each other's faces off. Calum and I both looked at each other and both had to fight the urge to laugh; I bit my lip and gestured for Calum to follow me out of the room. We slowly got up without disturbing them and almost made it out the room before I heard Sierra's voice say, "wait hold on you two, we haven't questioned you yet!"

I sat back down on the sofa with Calum and avoided all eye contact with Sierra and Luke. I could feel both pairs of eyes burning into me as they still hadn't spoken a word. "Oh for fucks sake just say what you have to say," I exclaimed to get them to hurry up as I felt like I was now going to be under interrogation. Luke spoke first, "when I was in those bean bags I'm pretty sure I heard 'secret girlfriend', was that correct?" Calum replied, "Yeah mate," "but you know you can't date her," Luke replied, "I know that's why it's a secret," "please be careful with this as it is so risky, I don't want anything to fuck up both of your careers," Sierra said. "We will be, no one's supposed to know but now you do so now you two both have to promise us you won't say a word to anyone," I emphasised to them as this was a big deal. "I speak for me and Luke when I say this; we won't say anything to anyone. But can I ask a question?" "Of course," I replied. "Are you sure this is worth risking?" she asked and I immediately became defensive, "of course I'm sure, you know me. If I didn't think it was worth it I wouldn't do it. Plus I've always had an attraction to Calum and not just on an 'Omg he's my fave band member and I'm a fan' term, literally on a normal terms. I mean like do you remember the first time I was presenting an award to the band and I was freaking out because I was going to be giving an award to the '5 Seconds of Summer' and the 'Calum Hood' who I had had a crush on since the start of the 5sos. And then I was freaking out again on Skype to you after I made the bet with him, saying how much I hoped he would win the bet just so I could give him my number. I'm sorry if you don't think it's worth it but I really do because I can actually see this going somewhere whereas with my past relationships you know I wasn't in it 100% but this one I am," I replied. I got a little emotional thinking about it all and processing it in my mind but quickly sorted me out.

"You've really liked me for this long," Calum asked and I nodded while he embraced me into a tight loving hug, kissing my forehead. "Calum?" I heard Luke ask, "Yeah," "what about you? Do you think it's worth it?" "of course I do, same goes for you, you've known for ages that I like Savannah, ever since I laid eyes on her in her first ever music video. When I saw her at our first music award show and I watched her perform and saw the beauty, life and energy in her. I always show you pictures of her when she posts a new Instagram, fuck, I declare it to the whole band and show off her pictures. I like her so much and always have. And when Anthony and Helen said we couldn't be together in a relationship but as friends, it only made me want her more, I know this is risky but the heart wants what it wants and if I can help it by pursuing this, I sure as hell fucking am going to! We will be careful but now since you guys know we need to make sure you will help us as best friends because I know and hope you wouldn't want to see us broken if it blew up in our faces." "Wow," all three of us said. At that point, yes I had shed a tear because hearing how Calum truly felt was heart-warming compared to our normally jokey manner.

"You guys really do like each other and I am more than happy to help you guys in this process," Sierra said and Luke added, "As am I."

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