Chapter Four// Lunch

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We arrived at the restaurant for our lunch and of course the paparazzi had found us.

I walked as quickly as I could beside Calum as he did his best to shield me from the rude papz that were constantly invading peoples personal space and just lives in general who were in the public eye. Calum shielded me as best he could because they were being a lot more rowdy than usual as they now found had a new pair of opposite sex people walking together and immediately had new stories and rumours to make up just from a glimpse at two celebrities hanging out together.

On my way in I heard numerous things shouted:


The stuff paparazzi came out with was hilarious. It was pure crap and just all lies except for one which was partially true. Were Calum and I dating now after out little making out session in the lift?

No one had been asked out yet, but we definitely weren't just friends, at least I hope not. I suppose this lunch was the perfect time to come to agreement and understanding of what was going on between us.

We were seated at our table and Calum and I faced each other with straight faces then both burst out laughing. "Did you hear some of the shit the paparazzi were coming out with?" Calum said through cute little giggles.

"Yeah Omg, we have been spotted together once now and all of a sudden I'm pregnant with your kid!" "You could be," Calum winked at me. "Of course totally, I'm 4 months gone, and we're both so happy aren't we," I sarcastically smiled at him. We burst out laughing again, but stopped when our waiter came back to order our drinks and meals.

The rest of the lunch was full of jokes and laughter, just friendly banter in general. In the back of my mind I still had one question gnawing at me, 'what did that kiss make us?' I finished my food at the same time as Calum and we suddenly began staring at each other in admiration.

The silence was perfectly comfortable; we both just enjoyed looking at each other's faces I guess. "This is becoming creepy," Calum started but I quickly interjected, "Calum what the fuck are we?" "Thank fuck you asked. I didn't want to be the one to bring it up," he replied and I giggled.

He carried on, "I don't know, because we can't be together but there was definitely a spark in that kiss. I know you felt it," "yeah I did. And I also felt your hands on my bum," "I'm a touchy feely person, get used to it," he winked. "I will lol. Don't worry I liked it," I winked back.

"I think I have a plan," Calum explained as we walked out of the restaurant and started walking down the street. I nodded for him to carry on, "we can just secretly be together, show no affection towards each other in public and just act as if we're best friends but behind closed doors we can go on as a couple. Does that sound okay?" "That's a good plan, but no one can know, not even our friends. It's too risky, but it's not because I don't trust them. It's just I don't want them to know and then have it secretly slip out to anyone because I don't want them to have to deal with the responsibility of guilt afterwards even though it will be our faults for trying to have a secret relationship, if that makes sense?" "Yeah, I completely agree. I'd much rather the blame on us as it's our fault. But I have to admit it is going to be hard us keeping this secret from our friends, especially Luke and Sierra!" "Oh yeah, that's not fair she gets to be with Luke and I don't get to be with you," I said pouting. "Savannah baby, you do get to be with me, just secretly. That's what makes it more fun," Calum winked and grinned at me.

The way he called me baby, so early into the relationship made me like Calum even more, showing how much he truly must like me. I returned the grin and high-fived Calum in a friendly manner as we were still out in public.

"Wait!" I immediately stopped in the middle of the pavement. "What's wrong Sav?" "I don't remember you asking me to be your secret girlfriend yet," I whispered and stood with my arms crossed over my chest. "Oh shit, Savannah will you- hey wait, why do I have to ask?" Calum smirked back at me.

"Because I gave you my number because I lost the bet, so you need to ask me out," "don't act like you didn't want to give me your number," he retorted back and I scoffed at his comment even though it was true, "oh shut up," I said back as I didn't exactly have a comeback. "You see, but because I'm such a gentlemen I will ask you out so, Savannah, will you be my secret girlfriend?" Calum whispered and I whispered back, "Erm, I'll have to think about it."

Calum stood there with his mouth agape and I spoke "come on, it's getting late, my apartment is only 3 blocks away, you can get picked up from there," "fine," he said in a huff but I knew he was joking because he giggled straight away, not being able to keep a serious act.

The walk back was full of laughter and jokes; I loved how me and Calum could just get on with humour present in most of our conversations and not be too serious about ourselves. It's nice to let go from the, 'I'm a celebrity and everything I do is monitored' life and just have normal conversation with another celebrity, but more importantly a friend, without all the pressure of being watched my managers and cameras at events.

We finally reached my apartment, after what should have been a short walk but turned into an almost mile walk because of how slow we walked while enjoying each other's presences, knowing the possibility of not being able to see each other in a while due to our busy schedules.

"we're here," I exclaimed, walking up the stairs and straight to my front door. I twisted the key in the lock and walked into through the front door gesturing for Calum to come through.

"I won't be here for long, I've already called for a car to come and pick me up," "okay," I rushed and then smashed my lips against Calum's which then resulted in a passionate kissing session. His tongue slipped into my mouth when I gasped at Calum's butt squeeze. It was an instant battle of the tongues fighting for dominance until we both had to pull away and gasp for air. Deep breathes were taken before I finally spoke. "Yes Calum. I will be your secret girlfriend."

Calum was about to speak with the perfect cheesy smile plastered across his face but was cut off by a voice, that was not my own.

"What," the person shouted throughout my home.

A/N Who the fxck is in her home!? could things already be going down the drain before its even begun?

I will update again soon. xxxxxx

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