Chapter Twelve // Rehearsals

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Tour is fast approaching and I'm extremely nervous but my excitement weighs out my nervousness. I leave for Australia in two weeks as that's where I'm starting tour and then it'll begin; my 6 months world tour. I can't believe this is happening. I've never toured the world; I've done a few countries at a time but never the world all in a few months. It makes me so proud of myself that I've come this far.

The boys start their tour in America, LA specifically, so we're currently using their arena space to rehearse on the stage as we're having similar if not identical stage set ups, nothing too elaborate. We all got here this morning at 8, had breakfast then went our separate ways to sort our own stuff out. The boys went to tune their instruments, finalise the order of their setlist while I went to wardrobe to go through all my clothing for the shows and finalise my setlist too. I also had a little meeting with my dancers to make sure they were okay and ready for the tour in the next two weeks; I gave them a little pep talk and just basically told them to give it all they've got in this rehearsal as it's the first stage rehearsal.

By 1pm we'd all had lunch and were being called to the stage and were told that the boys were going to perform their setlist for us and we were their little audience. This was to see if they were ready or if they need any more practices. Then I was up after them to perform mine.

It was great hearing the boys play as it was like being at a concert but a more private one. Of course me and sierra were singing along and cheering because we were such big fans. By the time they were done they were all sweaty and out breath. All I wanted to do was run up to Calum and kiss him because he looked so hot up there but I had to refrain from doing so and just settled on a friendly hug when he got down off the stage.

"You looked so fucking good up there," I whispered into his ear, "well thank you," he smirked back at me before I punched him in the arm. "Hey what was that for," he fake pouted, "I don't know, I just felt like," I smirked sticking my tongue out. Calum gave me a challenging look before running up to me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder spinning me around like a child. "Calum put me down, I think I'm gona be sick," "fuck, me too," Calum said putting me down then stumbling around, like me, from the dizziness. At this point both of us were fully unaware of the eyes that were glued to us wondering what was happening between us. When we both calmed down, we burst out laughing and then turned at the same time to walk over to everyone, only to see them already staring at us. That's when we shut up; I literally scanned everyone's faces trying to read what they were thinking, basically shitting my pants. The dancers and crew were more than likely thinking are they dating? Because of all the tabloids they'd read from, plus they don't actually know us. Anthony and Helen were probably thinking are they lying to us, as they just had curious looks on their faces. Luke and sierra had looks on their faces as if to say what the fuck are they doing? Do they want to get caught? And Ashton and Michael had looks of utter confusion on their faces as they don't exactly know how close Calum and I are as they're never really there or don't really pay attention.

"You guys seem really close," Helen states, we both just nod, because it's not its untrue. We are close, just in some more ways than what they know. "Almost couple-like," Calum and I both faked a shocked look and bewilderment as if this was practiced and then laughed him saying, "yeah right," sarcastically followed by me adding, "we are close like best mates but he pisses me off to much to ever consider a relationship," "we'll stick to friendship thanks," he adds before I punch him again to add to our 'friendship' façade. Everyone just stares at us confused as hell while Sierra and Luke have relieved faces and Helen and Anthony still have curious faces but seem to have bought it because they avert their gazes away as if it's now forgotten. "Go perform shithead," Calum says to me pushing me in the direction of the stage, "alright prick."

I make it backstage, let out a breath I was unaware I was holding in and get my mic ready.

Calum's POV

That was a close one. We need to step up our game as we're going to be around everyone a lot in the next two weeks.

I was snapped out of my daydream as Michael shouted and motioned for me to sit beside him with Luke on my other side and sierra on Luke's other side.

Just as I get comfortable, the lights go down and an interlude off of savannah's album starts playing while a video of her starts playing on the screen at the back. It's her dancing and in a way acting to the music. She looks perfect. As the video ends and the music starts to fade out it turns into another song and she comes out singing. Fucking hell she has the voice of an angel, this is not helping, it's making me fall in love with her even more and I don't know if she even feels the same.

Throughout her performance/ rehearsal I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her voice was amazing; her dancing was perfect and some of it even sexy to go with the songs. At one point I did tense up because Michael had said she was hot and I couldn't stop him because he didn't know me and her were a couple. Then to top it off there had come a dance part which she had to dance with a dude which did make jealous as it was somewhat sexual, but I was in no place to say anything.

It had finally come to her last song according to sierra who also said it was her and savannah's favourite for shows as it was a good closing number. Apparently it was another interlude but she was dancing on stage this time instead of a video to properly close the show.

After she had fully finished all I could say was wow. She was a real performer. I've never seen her in concert, as much as I would have liked to, before we properly became friends; I just never had time.

When she came from backstage sierra ran up to her first and savannah asked, "How was it?" "It was great, like really amazing," "thank you," she exclaimed, slightly relieved as I knew she was nervous that her performance wouldn't be as good as she'd hoped. "What'd you think Calum?" she smirked at me,  I had to clear my throat before speaking to avoid fucking up as I was so flustered right now. "It was really great," I raised a hand to high five her before pulling her in for a friendly hug.

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