Chapter Twenty // Confrontation

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"YOU FUCKING BITCH," I screamed about to run at her before being pulled back by Calum. "WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU GET OUT OF HIS LIFE AND STOP RUINING IT FOR HIM? HE DOESN'T WANT YOU!" I screamed again; all of my calmness towards her from the few times I've seen her before all over Calum, had fully disappeared by now. If it weren't for Calum holding me back, still at this point, her head would have been clean off her shoulders and rolling halfway down this hallway by now.

"I don't understand why you're getting angry Savannah, you're the one who was in a relationship with someone you shouldn't be," Helen spoke coldly. Calum had let go of me at this point but I was still gripping onto his hand to release some anger. "The reason she's angry is because Brittany over there is a stalker bitch that won't leave me alone, Savannah is only defending me really," "well maybe she shouldn't be," Brittany added in, "why can't you leave me alone," Calum bellowed at Brittany now fully fuming, stepping towards her also.

I'd never seen calum this angry before; this was worse than the party in a way. He wasn't saying much, but his face was showing more anger than I thought his beautiful face could ever show. I was slightly worried for Brittany as even though I knew he wouldn't dare hit her, I felt like calum could blow up and start shouting at her any moment and not be able to control what comes out of his mouth.

I gripped Calum's arm making sure he didn't step any further forward causing him to turn and look at me, his features visibly softening at the sight of me before turning back to Brittany awaiting her response. "if I can't have you, neither can she," "if you really liked me or cared about me, you would of left it alone and let me be happy with her since you were so adamant that you knew we were an item. You always were and still are only in it for the fame, you don't give a shit about me, you never did, you only care about yourself," Calum spoke calmly whilst gripping my hand as I rubbed my thumb over his hand in a soothing motion.

Brittany's face changed to a look of hurt before returning to a disgusted face, "you know what, fuck you Calum," "can't handle the truth can you. Leave me alone you psychotic bitch, I'll be filing for a restraining order straight away. I don't ever want to see you again, is that clear this time,"  "whatever," she huffed before storming off.

I turned to calum and hugged him happy that Brittany is gone and hopefully for good before remembering the situation we were in as Helen cleared her throat. Calum and I broke apart as Helen spoke, "you think just because that girl was a stalker this changes things. Despite that, I should be thanking her for informing me of this properly because you both know this isn't supposed to be happening," "you're scolding us like we children, we're adults for goodness sake," "and Anthony and I are your managers who told you not to get into a relationship with each other for the sake of your careers," "technically you both are partly to blame for this. If you hadn't of told us explicitly we couldn't get in a relationship maybe we wouldn't have tried, we probably would of settled on a friendship for the time being," I spoke calmly.

"Regardless of that, you broke the rules so now you guys can't even be friends. Are you happy now?" Helen sarcastically looked and I swear I've never given her a dirtier look than what I just did in response; even her face looked shocked that I had done that, "are you seriously asking me that now," I replied harshly. "We have to leave in less than an hour Savannah so go and finish packing and come straight to the lobby. Calum I will be informing Anthony and you probably won't be seeing Savannah for a while, have a good tour," Helen spoke before walking off

Calum's POV

After Helen walked off both Savannah and I flipped her off before chuckling, "I feel like two kids that just got told off by their parents," she giggled in response.

I looked at Savannah and I could see she had tears brimming in her eyes that she was fighting to keep at bay. One dripped down her cheek before I quickly wiped it away. "I love you," she spoke softly, "I love you more," I said in response fighting the urge to cry myself. She put her head in my chest before standing on her tip toes pressing her lips softly against mine. I deepened the kiss gripping onto her as tight as she was holding me.

We pulled away and I spoke, "I won't give up on us Savannah, I'm not going down without a fight," I spoke sternly as our hands were still linked with each other's as she was preparing to go back into her room. "Me either," "I love you," "I love you," she spoke before ducking into her room and shutting it quietly.

I was about to punch the wall to let all my anger out before it dissipated into thin air at the sound of Savannah's sobs I could hear through the door. I knocked once before speaking through the door, knowing she was right on the other side leaning against it, "Savannah please don't cry. I just want to come in there and comfort you; it's so painful knowing I'm the source of this pain and hurt to you." She sniffled before replying, "I'm to blame for this too. I miss you so much already. We weren't supposed to be leaving each other like this. We were supposed to be leaving sad that we won't see each other for few months not because we can't ever speak to each other again. What the fuck," she groaned, "I know, it sucks balls. But like I said this isn't over, I'm not giving up and neither are you. I promise, do you?" "But Cal-," "Savannah do you promise?" "I promise," "I love you Savannah, see you soon," "I love you Calum, see you soon."

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