Siren - Aria's story

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 A sailor took his reckless boat to sea, hoping to catch a bounty of fish with his net, his eyes set with determination he rode his boat to the tide. He hurled the long net to sea's were the waves battered and tore on its holes, the sailor waited patiently for endless hours until something emerged

 "what was it sir" the child interrupted

 A beautiful creature, which swam until abruptly stopping right beside his boat, the sailor realized it was a young woman, her half-naked torso disappearing through the darkened waves. He caught a breath at the sight of her, her skin was transparent a  luminous, her eyes the colour of wild intoxicating blueberries. Her skin flushed peach given her a healthy radiant glow, but it was her hair, long wavy ginger hair that spellbound him with its shades of red and orange.

The sailor sat there awing the beautiful women, before bolding saying

"who are you, and w-h-y are you here he stammered, he was captivated by her

she smiled before catching him in his haste, she plunged him down with her, there was no escape before he started stinking into the darkness

"where did she take him, sir," the child asked eagerly

 "No-one knows Jasper, all that was left of him was his body found floating in the water near Santina Island

 "Did she eat him sir?" the child said with a hint of fear hidden in his voice

"No, she drowned him"

 "But why, " Jasper asked in shock

 "Because she was a mermaid"

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