Tanner's Tavern

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After running six blocks, I am finally standing in front of the club gasping for air. I'm truly out of shape. I need to start working out I thought to myself. Once I catch my breath, I pull the door handle and walk inside.

"Hey Jim how you doing today?" I asked Jim who was the clubs door man.
" hey Kim! Great to see you tonight. I'm doing great it looks like tonight is going to be a busy one. The line is wrapped around the block, but don't worry I'll only let in the handsome guys well the guys that give me the impression they have money and I'll send them to your section" Jim says as he's laughing.
Jim has been trying to find me a boyfriend but I keep telling him that I don't have time for myself let alone time for a boyfriend. He insist I need a guy to take car of me so I won't have to work so much.

I go behind the bar and start setting up my section. I grab a towel and set the fruit tray on top of the bar, grab some extra cups and place them inside the cup bin, and lastly I make sure all of the alcohol has pourers on top of them.

"Hey Jenny your working with me tonight?" I ask.
Jenny is a coworker of mine. She's extremely beautiful. She's about 5'8, blue eyes, long beautiful blonde hair, a tiny waist, and a perfect smile. She has men flock all around her when she works behind the bar. I love working with her because she has an amazing personality; however, I hardly make any money because all the guys tip her.

" Yes I am Kim so you already know we are going to have an exciting night!" Jenny says.

" okay ladies I'm opening the doors so get ready" Jim says

A group of younger girls come to my section and of course the first set of guys that come in go straight to Jenny's section.
" hello what can I get you all to drink?" I ask
"We need a bottle of Dasani water, a Makers Mark with a splash of coke, a shot of Tequila Rose, and two double Grey Goose and cranberry juice." A tall red headed lady says.
I make all of their drinks and place them on the bar. " that'll be $31.00 Miss". She hands me two twenty dollar bills and tells me to keep the change...if only everyone would tip like that I say to myself.
The club was extremely busy. People kept coming up to the bar to purchase their drinks one after another, and to my surprise I had a good amount of male customers only because Jenny's service area had a line. The next few hours seemed to pass extremely quick, I guess because I was so busy I wasn't keeping track of the time.
It was now midnight and I just realized that I haven't taken a break yet. I tell Jenny that I'm going get some fresh air outside for a few minutes and that I'd be back shortly.
Grabbing a bottle of water I rush out of the back door accidentally bumping into someone.
"Excuse you. How about you watch where you are going next time" I heard a deep and mysterious yet sexy voice say. I look up and see the most handsome man I've ever seen looking down at me. Why was he coming in through the employee entrance? Never mind that... All I know is he is so hot. I thought to myself.
I was memorized by his physical presence. He must be at least 6' and he has the most dreamy light blue eyes that i have ever seen. He has short hair that was combed back and styled with gel. He has a beautiful smile and from what it seems he has an amazing and well built body. He looks like he could be a model for Calvin Klein.

"I'm I'm I'm sorry Sir. I wasn't paying attention are you okay?" I ask him

"Yes I am. Are you alright miss?" He ask me

"Yes, I'm okay, thanks"

He walks off in the distance as I stand right outside of the club. I look down at my watch and realize that twenty minutes have already passed.
Wow I was gone for that long already? It doesn't even seem like five minutes have passed I say to myself.
I go back in the club and I realize the gentleman I bumped into is siting in the VIP section of the club. The VIP section has imported Italian leather chairs and matching couches, an imported Italian table, and has bottle service with the most beautiful women serving the area. Lana is one of the waitresses that is assigned the section and luckily for me I have to fix her drinks. She was extremely sexy and all the guys love her. She is 21, 5'9, her hair was long, wavy, and a beautiful slick black color, her eyes were hazel, and her body was to die for. I mean of course it was she was a runway model for Victoria Secret. Lana only worked here once a month when she didn't have anything booked for modeling.
"Hey Kim I have drinks for the VIP section so make them strong and good! I need a Long Island tea, Bombay Sapphire double on the rocks with a splash of tonic, a margarita on the rocks made with Jose Cuervo add salt to the rim with lime, two Heinekens, oh an I also need a bottle of champagne" Lana said.
"Hey Lana okay coming right up!" I fixed all of the drinks Lana needed and she brought them to the VIP section. She came back to the bar with a huge smile on her face.

"Kim the guy that paid for the VIP section just gave me a 1,000 tip!" Lana says

" WOW! That's great! Now don't forget to tip me out" I tell her as I start to laugh

" Don't worry you're getting your share of money tonight, Kim!"

The night quickly came to an end. I sat at the end of the now clean bar and counted my tips for the night. A total of 590.00 dollar.

"Lana I'm leaving! Thank you for tipping me out so much! See you next month and have a safe flight to Paris!" I tell her.

"No problem Kim! Thanks for making such great drinks for my VIP customers. See you next month bye!"

Jim was waiting outside for me. He always gives me a ride home because he doesn't want me walking home alone at night especially because of the neighborhood I live in.

I hurry inside and take a shower, ate a bag of chips I bought earlier, and fell asleep on my bed.

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