Home bound

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I wake up and take a nice long bubble bath. It's only 5 am and we don't have to be at the construction site until 7 am.

Once out the shower I pull my hair back into a bun, add a light touch of make up, and put on some jeans with a pink fitted t shirt. I walk into the living room and see that Keegan is sound asleep on the couch. He looks so handsome while asleep. The sheet is pulled down by his knees and he is shirtless. His chest is just looking directly at me. His muscles look so incredibly sexy and he even has sexy thighs. I walk over and pull the sheet over his body because I notice a few goosebumps on his beautiful skin.

I grab my room key and head down to the front lobby.

"Yes I would like to bring some breakfast back to my room. It's under Dante, Keegan." I tell the lady at the front desk

"Yes Miss Sanders. Would you like me to have room service bring it up?" She says

"No I'd like to bring it just point me in the direction please" I say

She shows me where the breakfast bar is and I give the host my door key and he swipes it.

"Oh yes I see your in the penthouse suite. The plates are over there and if you need anything please let me know" he says

I fix a bunch of food mainly because I'm starving and because I have no idea what Keegan likes in the morning.

I push the small cart into the penthouse and I see Keegan on the phone.
"Brian wake up Miss Sanders is not in the room. I need you to call security and find out what happened right now!" He yelling in the phone.

"Keegan im right here" I say

"Never mind she just walked in sorry Brian" he says

"I thought I'd go get us some breakfast...I didn't want to wake you. You looked so comfortable and peaceful" I say

"Well next time you need to leave a note. I was so worried about you. And that's why we have room service so they can bring it up." He says as he hugs me.

"I'm sorry I didn't want room service to bring it up. I wanted to do it myself" I say

His chest feels so good next to mine. Damn this man is so sexy.

"Come on go put on some clothes and I'll set up breakfast for us" I say

He walks into the bedroom and I walk outside on the patio. I place two plates I the table along with the pitcher of milk, orange juice, and water. I brought all three because I didn't know what he was in the mood for. I uncover the plates of food and place a fork, spoon, and knife by both our plates and sit down.

He looks so sexy. He's wearing a pair of jeans, a black t shirt, a pair of black tennis shoes, and his hair is combed a little to the side.

"Who we feeding... The whole hotel?" He says as he's laughing.

"Well I had no idea what you wanted so I brought eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, toast, grits, pancakes, and biscuits. I figured I'd give you some options" I say as I start placing food on my plate.

The food was so good I ate a little of everything except the grits. After breakfast we headed to the soon to be construction site.

"I just need you to take pictures of the site right now and take any notes I tell you to, okay!" He says as we step out of the car

"Yes sir" I say.

I start taking pictures of the huge empty lot that is in front of me. There are so many men standing around waiting to be told what to do.

"Chris this is my assistant Miss Sander's she has all of your contact information and she will be checking in on the progress every single day. Miss Sander's this is Chris he is in charge of the construction site when we are not here. I need you to call and email every day to check on the progress. Chris, you will take pictures of the site when you first arrive and right before you leave for the day and email them to Miss Sander's every single day. If you can't abide by that then I will find someone else who can. I see the way you're looking at Miss Sander's and you will stop. If I catch you looking at her again like that you're fired understand?" He says

"Yes sir I apologize. I will email the pictures everyday." Chris says

I didn't even notice Chris was looking at me a certain way. Keegan sure is protective over me.

We get in the car and head to the airport.
I didn't realize we were heading back today.

"I had a lady at the hotel pack your items. Everything is already packed on the plane so don't worry about anything." He says

I grab a hold to his hand and lean my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for saying yes to be with me. I love that we are taking this slow to get to know each other. You are so special to me Kimmy" he says to me

" no thank you for everything. You have changed my life and I'm forever thankful. I enjoy being next to you. You make me so happy. My days before you were so lonely and sad and now they are fulfilling and happy. I owe that to you" I reply.

Before we know it we are at the airport.
We step into the plane and take a seat. After the plane takes off Keegan tells me to go lay down. I guess he sensed I was getting a little tired.

I laid down for a while and i feel his arms wrapped around me. I turn my head and see he's laying behind me. I turn back around and just take in this wonderful moment.

"I've been waiting to hold you in the bed since the first day I seen you. I don't want to let you go." He whispers in my ear.

I reply "then don't".

I eventually fall asleep with his arms wrapped around my waist. We both must have been tired because we didn't wake up until Brian knocked on the door to tell us to go back to our seats because we are landing.

After we land, Keegan takes me home and kisses me goodnight. "I'll see you in the morning for work." He says

I close the door and go straight to my bed.
I notice on my night stand is a small lamp that I had fell in love with in Bangkok. I pick up the card next to the lamp and read it.

Hello my love, I noticed you were looking at this lamp so I bought it for you and had someone place it inside your apartment while we were away. It's crazy how easy someone could get into your house but we will discuss that later on. I hope you like the lamp. Sweet dreams baby

Love Keegan

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