Dinner is served

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I arrive at the office wondering where Keegan is. Brian brought me to work this morning which was weird because he told me he'd pick me up. I go into my office and check a few emails. I hear his voice down the hall so I jump up and walk out the door. I hear him yelling at Jack. Jack is the company's adviser.

I go make Keegan his French vanilla latte and set it on his desk. I sit down in the leather chair waiting for him to come in his office.

He walks in the office and slams the door.

"Hi. I'm sorry I didn't pick you up this morning. I had Brian go get you because I had to deal with some problems here at the office." He says as he walks up to me and gives me a kiss.

"It's okay. Is everything alright? Or shall I ask are you alright? You look as if you haven't slept." I say and I look at him closer and realize he is still wearing the same outfit as last night.

"Well after I left you last night I had to come to the office and tend to some issues that arose and I just finished handling the situation. I was here all night. I'm so tired but I have so much work to do" he says as he grabs his latte and sits down next to me.

"By the way I have a meeting first thing in the morning in Denver, Colorado. I really don't need anyone to come with me except for Jack but I'd love for you to come" he says

I grab his hand and smile at him replying "I'd love to spend time with you. Of course I'm going to go with you. What time are we leaving?" I ask

"Well I figured maybe we could stay at a hotel tonight and be at the airport first thing in the morning. The house in Denver is already stocked with everything you need so you don't have to pack anything." He says

"Sounds great baby. I can't wait" I say

I go to my office and check a few emails. I decide to search the database and see what company is located in Denver that he could possibly be meeting with.

There is only one company that is located in Denver and that is Henderson's Place which from what I can tell is a sports bar. I don't understand why Keegan has a meeting since the building is already built and it was remodeled last year by the company.

I finally gave up trying to figure out why we are going to Denver.

Keegan had walked in my office telling me we were going to leave the office early.

We leave the office and I have no idea where we are going. I can only assume the hotel.
"I can't wait to lay down next to you and take a nap" he says

We arrive at the hotel and the valet guys open both of our doors.

"Good afternoon Mr Dante it's a pleasure seeing you." One of the valet guys says

"Ah good evening Roy. I see you are still here. Thanks for your loyal service. Have a great evening " Keegan says as he walks around the car and grabs my hands.

The hotel is beautiful. I never seen this place before but maybe because I was never looking for it.

"Hello Mr Dante here is the key to your room. Everything is stocked and Emma has clothes and all the necessities that Miss Kim will need. Emma also stocked your closet with clothes. If you need anything else please let me know." The lady at the front desk said.

"Thank you very much Heather. I appreciate it. I will need the chef to prepare a dinner for two on the balcony this evening. It doesn't matter what he cooks just tell him it is for me and I want it at 6:00 pm please. I also need a wake up call for 3:00 am and on my way out I need a French vanilla latte and a regular coffee with two sugars and one cream for the lady. Have a great night Heather" he says

We go up to the room and we both take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes. He rents The Shallows on pay per view and we watch that. It's so nice to be able to be in someone's arms and watch a movie.

I look up and see the chef is setting up our dinner in the balcony.

"Mr Dante your dinner is served." The chef says

"Thank you chef." He says as he grabs my hand and walks me out to the balcony.

"This is an amazing view and a great set up" I say. The sun was just starting to set and the sky was such beautiful shades of red and orange. The chef had a tasty looking chef salad sitting on the table and I dug in and ate it so fast.

"Hungry?" He says as he starts to laugh.

The chef brings out a steak, baked potato, and corn for our next dish.

"Oh wow this taste amazing!" I say.

"Slow down. It isn't going to go anywhere.  Are you even chewing your food or are you just swallowing it?" He ask

I laugh and shake my head.

Once we finish eating he grabs my hands and gently rubs his fingertips slowly across my hands.

" I'm glad you decided to come" he says

"So am I. I did have to cancel plenty appointments" I say as I start to laugh.

As if I'm a busy women. The only thing I do is work. I can't believe I'm dating Keegan Dante.

The chef brings out New York cheesecake. It was absolutely delicious.
We go sit at the edge of the pool dangling my legs slightly into the water. I grab Keegan's hand and place my head against his shoulder. I look up and stare at the beautiful stars that is lighting up the sky. I never thought I'd be here... In the place... With this man.

"Let's go to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow" he says

The night was amazing. I lay in bed listening to Keegan snore lightly as I playback the day's events. I'm still curious as to who Mrs Lockett is....

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