Strickly Business

140 8 3

Keegan Dante POV

I can't believe I forgot about arriving to the office early. I rush inside, grab the construction file for the planning, and hurry inside the conference room to see Mr. Vu patiently waiting for me.

"Mr Vu I sincerely apologize. I had some unexpected business to take care of. I hope I didn't disrupt your flight schedule in any way." I say.

"It's okay Mr. Dante I was admiring your lovely view from this room, but we need to get started. My flight is scheduled to leave for Hong Kong in one hour so we don't have much time." He replies

I start the video presentation my team created for the construction of Mr. Vu's brand new luxury hotel that will be built and completed by next year located in the center of Hong Kong. I explain what type of cement, wood, brick, and all other material would be used including the cost. I showed him the plans I had in mind for the indoor heated swimming area along with the plans for a spa.

"Very well Mr. Dante. Please, let's sign the contract so your team can get started immediately." He says with a smile on his face.
I grab the contact out of the folder and we both sign. I shake Mr. Vu's hand as I tell him work will begin as soon as next week.

After Mr. Vu leaves, I go to my desk and see that I have the information on Kim that I had asked for. The first document in the file is her credit report or I should say lack of credit. She has nothing in her name at the moment. She doesn't have a car, mortgage, cable bill, or phone bill in her name. I see that she does have an outstanding debt of 21,000 in student loans. She also has 5,000 in credit card debt. The next document says that her mother passed away from a drug overdose ten years ago and her father is in a maximum security prison for 4 years on rape charges.
Wow... All her father gets is four years in prison for raping someone. Kim has had a horrible childhood from what I read. I feel sorry for her. I'm more determined more than ever now to help her.

It is now 8:20 and I know Emily will go to the diner for my morning latte. I send her a text to let her know.

8:20 am

Good morning Miss. Emily. Your services are not needed today. I have a busy day doing things only I can do. Please do not worry you will still be paid for the day. Take the day off and enjoy it. When you get my latte tomorrow, use the company black card and give the waitress, Kim, a 500.00 tip please.
K. Dante

8:21 am
K. Dante:
Good morning sir I understand. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. I will leave the tip for her sir.

I reply to about fifty emails, attend four business meetings, and i had a few conference calls. It seemed as if the day flew by and by the time I looked at the clock it was 6:45. I look out of the window and see Brian is waiting outside for me. We arrive at Carlos Steakhouse a few minutes early. Mr. Carlos greets me as soon as I walk through the door and escorts me to the private dining area.

"Well, good evening Mr. Dante. It is a pleasure for you to take the time out of your evening to meet with us." Miss Toups says

I stand up and pull out the chair for Miss Toups and Mrs Johnson. Dante Industries has been doing construction for their company for the last two years. The two ladies own four fitness gyms and is adding a fifth. After discussing the budget for the gym, we agree to sign the contract I brought with me. I order a bottle of champagne to celebrate with. We sit at the table enjoying the glass of champagne and laugh at a few jokes that Mrs Johnson was telling.

As I laugh, I glance up and see Kim. What is she doing here? Wow. She looks amazingly beautiful. Her hair is pulled back in a braid and her dress looks so damn sexy on her. Damn she has a tight little body. I take out my ink pen and a piece of paper and write a note on it, fold the paper in half, and call the waiter over. I give him three hundred dollars and tell him to hand Kim the note and pay for her and her friends meal and drinks.

I escort the two ladies out and tell Brian to take me home for the night. I have another busy day tomorrow.

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