The office

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I guess I was too anxious and confused on why I'm going to Keegan Dante's office that I woke up at 5:15 am. I eat a small bowl of cereal and decide to get ready.

I take a long bubble bathe, brush my teeth, and start fixing my makeup. I apply liquid foundation, put on a light brown eye shadow, mascara, put on a little more blush than usual, and add a touch of light bronze lip gloss.
I straighten my hair and then curl a few spots. I wanted my hair both ways today so the majority of my hair is straight with a few spots of curls here and there.

I look at the time and see it's already 7:20. Wow time flew by.

I put on a pair of stockings and slide the beautiful white dress on and place my new beige heels on. I put on a pair of fake pearl ear rings and grab a simple necklace that has fake diamonds on it and put it on. One day I'll receive real jewelry but until then, the fake ones will have to work.

I hear someone knocking on the front door.

I open the front door and a tall, very muscular man is standing there looking at me.

"Hello Miss Sanders.... Mr Dante sent me to pick you up. Please follow me" he says

"Yes thank you" I reply.

He opens the back door and I step inside the dark blue SUV. This is a nice vehicle. It has black leather seats, two TVs in the back of the front seats, a navigational system, and the list could go on.

"I'm Chris if you need anything please let me know. We will be at the head office in a few minutes"

I reply,"okay thank you Chris."

I sit there quietly looking out the window and before I know it the SUV has came to a complete stop. Chris was already outside opening the back door to let me out. I step out and look at the tall building standing before me. It's a huge building. I walk to the front glass doors and see in big, bold, beautiful letters Dante Industries.
I go inside the building and I'm amazed at how huge and beautiful everything is. The floor is made of beautiful marble and the furniture looks like it's imported Italian leather. I go to the front desk and tell the secretary I'm here to see Mr Dante.
She looks on her computer and tells me to take the elevator up to the 40th floor and Emily would greet me to take me to Mr Dante.

I step inside the elevator and press the number 40. I stand inside the elevator and look at the amazing views. The elevator is made of glass and is facing the skyscrapers and other buildings. The view is such a beautiful site. I can see gorgeous blue jays and hummingbirds flying all over the sky. The elevator stops and I see Emily walking to the elevator doors with a gigantic smile on her face.


"Hey Emily I'm not really sure. I have no idea why I'm here. All I know is Mr Dante told me someone would be picking me up at 8:00 am to take me to his office." I reply

"Okay well follow me. He's expecting you any minute. It's a good thing you're early. He hates when people are late. He's very organized and timely." She says as she knocks on his door.

His door was the the end of the hallway it was double glass doors but the glass was shattered in the inside so you couldn't actually see inside the office. I've never seen anything quite like it before. The rest of the walls were made of glass also but there were huge white blinds that covered the walls. I guess he liked glass but didn't like people looking at him.
Emily opened the door and said "Mr Dante, Miss Sanders is here for her appointment."

I didn't hear a reply but Emily said for me to go in.

"Ah good morning Miss Sanders. Would you care for anything to drink?" He ask

Oh wow he looks so sexy. He has on a beige suit fitted just right. He has a red dress shirt on and doesn't have a tie on but he still looks sexy as hell.

"Um a water will be fine sir" I reply

He walks over to a small bar area in the corner and pours a bottle of Fuji water is a glass and adds a few ice cubes in the glass. He hands it to me and smiles.

"Please come join me on my balcony" he says as he slide open a large window. The window is huge. It's from the top of the ceiling to the floor and it slides all the way into the other window. I never seen anything like that before. I follow him outside and I'm breathless. This balcony is amazing! It's not too big it's just the perfect size. He has two chairs and a small round table between them. He sits down so I followed and sat in the other chair. There are two hummingbirds right next to us. He has a hummingbird feeder hanging from the top part of the balcony. The wind is blowing my hair back a little... I'm glad I used a lot of hairspray.

"Miss Sanders, if u may say so you look absolutely beautiful this morning" he says

"Well thank you sir. I appreciate you saying for that" I reply

"The reason I wanted you to come here is because I understand you have two jobs. I would like to hire you as a full time personal assistant for myself. I need someone to do things for me while Emily is busy with other things that's for the actual office. Would you be interested? I don't expect you to work those two jobs anymore. You would work for me Monday through Friday from 8 till 5 and sometimes attend business out of town on weekends with me, business lunches, and events...all expenses paid of course. What Do you say?"  He says

What is the hell is going on? A job? He is offering me a job?

"Uh but sir I don't understand why would you offer me a job?" I ask

"Miss Sanders you did go to Louisiana State University for business correct?" He ask

"Yes sir but I didn't finish I had three weeks left and I had to drop out" I say

How did he know I went to LSU? This is getting weird....

"I know all of that already Miss Sanders. You had a 3.9 GPA so I assume you are very good when it comes to business. I think you would be a great asset to Dante Industries. If it's the pay you're worried about let me assure you that you will be paid well above the average assistant pay. We can discuss your pay more once you agree to work for my company" he says

"Um.. Well I mean I guess. Why not give it a try. Mr Dante I will be your personal assistant. I will just have to quit the diner and tanners tavern." I say

"Don't worry about the Tavern. I will call Tanner and inform him you have quit. My company built the tavern and I have invested plenty of money in the club. Tanner will be fine with me breaking the news to him. You just have to quit the diner. I need you to be here at 8 in the morning tomorrow so you better go over to the diner after you leave here and inform Melvin you have quit. I expect to see you bright and early tomorrow. We will discuss your pay and uniform tomorrow. " he says

"Yes sir that sounds great. Thank you so much Mr Dante. I don't know why you decided to hire me but I'm very thankful for this wonderful opportunity." I say as I stand up.
He smiles at me and says "it doesn't matter why I wanted to hire you... Just know that I hired you. I will see you tomorrow. Your driver will bring you to the diner and back home. He will pick you up at 7:45 to bring you to work in the morning. Have a great day Ms Sanders" he smiles at me and shakes my hand.

Will update more tomorrow!

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