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It seemed as if the alarm was going off for an entire lifetime. I get up, earlier than usual, and begin getting ready. Ever since Mr. Dante stepped into my life, I have the urge to take the extra time to look a little better. I grab the hairspray and spray my baby hairs so they don't stick up, I still have my hair in a French braid from last night. I found some old Cover Girl liquid foundation in the cabinet and applied it to my face. I put a dash of blush on my cheeks, apply light mascara, and put on some red lipstick I've been having. I quickly get dressed throwing on a pair of jeans, a red t shirt, And my Nike tennis shoes. I look in the mirror and smile. Makeup actually makes me look very pretty I say to myself.

I grab a strawberry pop tart out of the kitchen and eat it while on my way to the diner. Maybe he'll come into the diner this morning. I think as I walk to the diner. I'm getting butterflies the closer I get to work. I have no idea why I feel like this about a man I don't even know. I mean, I never told him my name or anything. The only thing I've spoke to him about was his order at the diner. He must like me because he paid for dinner and drinks last night. After all, he did send me a note... THAT has to mean something.... Or maybe he just thinks I'm poor and is helping. I don't know what to think. All I know is he's so dreamy and I know I don't stand a chance with a man like that.

The morning at the diner is going by great. I have been serving all the regular customers, but the only complaint is I haven't been making many tips. I work at the tavern tonight so maybe I'll make money there. After I serve Mr. Danny his black coffee, I place the fresh muffins in the display. I hear the front door ding due to the sound of the bell.

I look up and see its Emily.

I guess he's not coming today..

"Hey Emily how are you this morning? You want the regular for Mr. Dante?" I ask.

"Yes Kim he will have the regular. I heard you served Mr Dante the other morning. How was that? You must have impressed him very much. What did you two talk about? How long was he here? Did he say anything mean or rude? Come on Kim! TELL ME THE DETAILS!! He NEVER gets his own things!" Emily says

I make his coffee and slide the credit card.. Handing the receipt for her to sign.

"What do you mean I must have impressed him? Why would you think that? We didn't talk about anything. I only served his coffee and breakfast. We had a few words but nothing major. I didn't even get a chance to tell him my name." I say

She hands me the receipt.
"Look at the tip Kim! That's what I meant when I said you must have impressed him. He sent me a text yesterday telling me not to go into the office that he came and got his own latte. He also told me to give you a 500.00 tip! I can't believe he actually ate breakfast. He never eats breakfast. I don't know what's gotten into him...." She says

"Emily, he even paid for my dinner last night. I was at Carlos and he was there with two ladies and the waiter handed me a note. It was a note from Mr. Dante saying he took care of the bill and he hopes to see me soon. He just feels sorry for me. It's no big deal" I say

"No big deal?!?! He doesn't help just people out Kim! He must like you... I'll try to find out! Okay bye!" She runs out the door before I can stop her or say anything to her.

Oh gosh.. What is she going to do? I'm such a fool for even saying anything. If he was interested im sure he would have asked me my name at least. I'm so confused. I finish my shift at the diner and walk to the grocery store. Since I received such a big tip, I can buy food instead of bringing leftovers home from the diner. Since I don't really cook, I go straight to the frozen food sections. I buy plenty TV dinners, frozen chicken tenders, French fries, and pretty much anything j can microwave or heat in the oven. I bought plenty of snacks like chips, cookies, Reese's, honey buns, and other junk food. I did buy some water and a few pieces of fruit.

I should have thought twice about buying all of this food. I only have to walk 3 blocks from the store to my apartment, but the bags are so heavy. I should have bought those recycle bags that are heavy duty and can hold a lot of items. I seen that Winn Dixie had the bags on sale for 1.00 and of course i didn't buy any.

I finally make it to the apartment complex and to my surprise I see the drunk man laying down next to the front door. He offered to help me with the grocery and although he creeps me out I really do need someone to help me. He brings half of the bags to my front door and I smile and tell him thank you. I grab a honeybun, a small bag of chips, and two bottles of water and hand it to him.

"Here you go sir. Thank you for helping me" I say

"Yeah no problem. Thanks for the food. And I'm sorry if I ever say anything to offend you." He says as he walks away. I hear him opening the bag as he walks down the stairs yelling that the chips are delicious.

I pick up all the grocery, take a shower, and lay down for a while. I get up and get dressed because I have to work at the tavern tonight. I hear a horn blowing so I look out the window and see its Brittany. Brittany is the wife of Chris, the assistant manager of Tanner's Tavern. Almost every night I have to work at the club, someone will come and pick me up. It seems that time is flying by at work since I'm working the floor tonight. Two waitresses called out because they were sick so Chris asked if I could waitress instead of bartend. I figured I'd make more money working the floor instead of behind the bar.
Before I know it, the doors to the club is closed and it's time to clean up. I'm extremely glad because working the floor is much different than working behind the bar. Men seem to think they can touch you because your working and tell you anything they want to say. I held the bartender stock the beer coolers and I tip her out. I made 160.00 dollars tonight which isn't too bad. Chris drops me off at the apartment because Brittany had to leave early for the night. I told Chris that I didn't want to waitress anymore unless he's extremely short handed. I just can't take the way the customers in the club treat a girl when she works the floor serving drinks. Maybe one day I won't have to serve customers drinks... Maybe I can get a better job.

A lady can dream...

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