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"Keegan can you grab my bag. I need to grab some pajamas out of it please" I yell

He knocks at the door and opens it. He hands me a pair of black silk pajamas that have a little lace on the top. I know that these aren't mine if never buy such nice and expensive sleeping clothes.

Once I'm dressed, I go in the living room where he is sitting on the leather chair drinking some wine that is in A wine glass. 

"You know I do have clothes to wear at night. You don't have to buy me new clothes" I say

"Yes I know that Kim but I want you to have nicer clothes with better fabric. There is nothing wrong with sleeping in comfortable silk fabric." He says as he hands me a glass of wine.

I sit down on the black leather couch and take small sips of my wine. I know the conversation is going to come up. I'm kind of dreading it actually. I mean will he tell me it was a complete mistake and he regrets it more than anything or will he tell me he enjoyed the passionate kiss we shared with each other.

He sits down next to me on the couch and smiles at me.

"You know I'm just really confused. I don't understand what's going on. Can you please tell me why you even hired me? I don't understand how one person can be so lucky to go from working two jobs and barely surviving to working one job that I barley do anything and making so much money. Please explain it to me Mr Dante I need to understand." I say as I look in his eyes.

I feel as if we are looking directly into each other's soul. The feeling that I feel when he looks in my eyes is indescribable. I feel like my heart is about to beat out of my chest.

"Well to be honest one day I had to be at the office earlier than normal for a meeting. Brian was going to get my latte for me but then I glanced up and seen you standing at the window. You looked so breathtaking. The sun was rising and the colors from the sun were shining on your face and you looked so beautiful. I had to go get my own latte once I seen you. Even if we wasn't going to speak I just wanted to get a closer look at you. Once I was inside, I was stunned at how beautiful you were close up. You walked with such grace and elegance. You seemed so gentle. You reminded me of a rare precious stone. After my first encounter with you, I felt as if I needed to know you. The next time I saw you was on that rainy morning. You looked great mopping the floor. When you tripped over the bucket, I knew that I had to catch you. I couldn't have anything happen to you. Once you were in my arms I didn't want to let you go. I felt that my arms were made to be wrapped around you. It felt so right. It felt so perfect to have you next to me. I seen you working so hard at the diner and once you told me you worked at the club I knew I had to hire you. I couldn't have you working two jobs and barley making it. I just wanted to help you. I know what it's like to struggle. The things you do are just simple task. Emily would normally be in charge of that but wanted to find something you could do and still be close to me. I love how gentle and kind you are. Your personality is additive and I want to be near you as much as possible. I'm so attracted to you it's crazy. I could have any female I want but I only think about you. I want to give you everything I possibly can give you. I want to see you happy and hear you laughing. I want to see the glow that lights up your face when you get excited. I want to give you all of me and I can't believe I'm saying that. I don't know what you do to me but I beg you to keep doing it Kim." He says to me.

I can't believe my ears. What he just told me is so sweet and beautiful.

"Your words are so pure and thoughtful. I can't believe that you are telling me this. You could have anyone but for some reason you... Actually want... Me. I... I...I think you are the most generous person i have ever met in my life. You have no idea what you have gave me when you gave me this job. You have opened so many doors with amazing opportunities. Do you know I have never even have cable? I live paycheck to paycheck and now you have gave me so much... More than I could ever ask for. I'm so incredibly thankful for you. I won't lie to you the moment I laid eyes on you I was taken back. You are sexy, handsome, attractive and everything else and now that I know you for more than your looks... Your personality outshines your physical looks. You are so caring, kind, thoughtful, generous, loving, pure, gentle, intelligent and the list could go on. The moment you kissed me in the bathroom I was hooked on you. The feeling of your soft lips against mine drove me crazy. I know we don't know each other well but I want you. I want you all for myself." I can't believe I'm saying this. What is happening to me?

"Be my girlfriend,Kim. Let's try this. I'm not asking you to marry me or anything but come on let's date. Let's go out and get to know each other and see where this goes. Kim Sanders will you give me the honor and be my girlfriend?" He ask

"Yes. Yes. Yes Keegan!" I say

He leans toward me and places his lips on top of mine. This kiss is different than the last kiss. The last kiss was more of a 'I want you' kiss but this kiss is gentle and soft... Kind of like a 'I want to cherish you' type of kiss.

"What do you say we go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. I'll sleep on the couch in here and you can sleep in the bedroom." He says

"Well that's not right. I mean after all you paid for the room. You sleep on the bed and I'll sleep in here" I say

"No. Take the bed and I'll stay in here. This is your boss talking and I demand you to sleep in the bedroom" he says as he starts to laugh.

"Oh so that's what you're going to do? You're going to play the boss card? Okay then sir" I say as I walk to the bedroom.

I can feel his eyes on me as I walk to the bedroom. I can't believe I'm dating Keegan Dante.

I lay in the bed and it is like I'm laying on a cloud in the sky. The bed is so damn comfortable. I fall asleep thinking about Keegan. Is he thinking of me? If he's thinking of me what exactly is he thinking...

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