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"Y'know what, fuck you!" I screamed, throwing drum sticks at him harshly.

"You're being fucking pathetic Frances!" He seethed, "Me? Pathetic? You're the one starting this fucking fit!" I slammed the cupboard door shut.

"It was a mistake!" He yelled. "It's always a mistake Billie! You know we have a fucking kid coming and you can't bring your fucking drugs in the house!" I slammed my hand on the marble table.

"I told you I'm trying to stop, I've told you so many fucking times I will stop!" He screamed, his eyes a deep shade of green.

"When? When our kid is three and seeing you on fucking dope everywhere? Don't be so fucking ignorant!" I cried out placing a hand on my small bump.

"I don't even want the fucking kid, it was a mistake." He screamed, punching the wall.

"What?" I quietly said.

He gasped, taking his fist out. "No,no love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"You don't want the baby?" I cried, looking at him dead in the eye.

"80, I didn't mean it like that!" He cried, getting closer to me.

"You obviously said it, you fucking said it. That's fucking disgusting." I cried.

"If you don't want the baby, then I'm fucking leaving. I love this baby, I'm not going to end its little life just because of some fucking junkie. Fuck you Billie. I hope you're happy." I sobbed, grabbing the car keys.

"Frances, I didn't mean it. I love-"

I slammed the door shut,  hearing him scream.

I walk angrily out of the apartment.

I get into the car, slamming the door shut angrily. Starting it quickly as I see Billie running to the car.

I sped off quickly, tears brimming in my eyes.

Quickly speeding, not knowing where I was going I stopped at a red light.

I looked down at my small bump, smiling slightly.

"I love you little buddy, I'll protect you. I promise I'll try and be the best mommy I could be to you. I'll never let you get hurt, I promise. I love you with all of my will." I smile, rubbing it slightly.

I heard horns honk crazily, my head snapped back to see head lights coming closely, crazily driving.

My eyes widen.

Metal collided  with metal, cars flipped. Bodies crashed through windshields as everything went dark.


Oblivion ➵ Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now