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It had been three more weeks. I was finally being let out.

I was scared, of course. I hadn't been out of the hospital two months. I didn't know what to expect.

They taught me things I already knew.

They didn't understand that I was just confused majority of the time. They didn't understand that I couldn't recognize people. I couldn't recognize anything.

Billie had been signing paperwork in front of me, he had a smile on his face. He was happy that I was finally going home.

The nurse had been checking my gauzes.

"One final time in this bed." She smiled, removing the gauze around my wrist.

She slowly unwrapped, cleaning it off.

As she cleaned the area, I noticed a small faded writing.

I hadn't noticed it before. Every time the nurses would replace or clean me up, I would close my eyes to avoid seeing what I had.

I didn't like the idea that these things were on my body. It frustrated me.

I looked at my wrist closer.


It was a small tattoo, the letters were faded.

It must have been Billie's initials.

I looked back at him and back at my wrist. How much did I really love him to even get my wrist tattooed with his initials?

I felt nothing for him. He was nothing put a person to me, a person who says he loves me with all of his being.

I couldn't remember him, it wasn't a big deal to me.

"Alright, Frances. You're done." The nurse smiled at me. You're all washed up, now all you need is to get dressed.

"Uh, some of her clothes is in that bag. I made sure I packed something comfortable." Billie nodded in the direction of the table where a black bag sat.

"I'm going to go turn this in, I'll be back soon." He spoke, smiling.

I didn't look up at him, I sat there my eyes looking towards the nurse.

"You're going to have to come back for checkups, not weekly but every two weeks maybe. You need to take medication. Take things easy. Don't be near such loud noises.."

She continued, warning me of things that could put me in danger.

"Alright, tell me if this hurts." She said helping me out of the bed.

She slowly helped me, handing me my crutches.

"Just like we practiced, in and out." Her soft voice said.

She walked over to the bathroom with the black band in her hand watching me follow her.

"Perfect, that's good!" She smiled, opening the door to the restroom.

"We told Billie to bring some comfortable clothes, things you'd be familiar with. He said you loved music, that you had some music shirts." She rummaged through the bag.

"The other nurse helped you shower right? She helped you with your undergarments?" She asked as she pulled out the clothes.

I gave a nod.

She picked up the shirt, unfolding it.

"It looks like you had good taste in music too. I have one exactly like this, with tie dye and everything. The band was big in the 70s. Had my best memories in that era." She chuckled.

She showed me the front of the colorful shirt.

"Grateful Dead"

She sat me down, undoing my gown.

The big hospital gown slid off my shoulders once she undid the first button.

She picked up the colorful shirt, sliding it
over my head.

It was two sizes too big, but it was comfortable.
She moved my wavy light brown hair from my face, letting me look at myself in the mirror.

I was pale and there was a small scar on my chin. I have light honey brown eyes, the nurse always complimented them.

"Hun, tell me if this hurts. I'm going to put on your leggings now." She softly smiled.


I was now in the hallway, Billie was next to me. He said it was time to go home.

"You have all her medication, her doctor's number?"

"Yes, I do." They were going over a list, making sure I had everything to go home.

"Perfect. She's ready to go now." The doctor said, with a smile.

I was nervous, my hands were sweaty. I didn't know what was awaiting me if I ever did go home. I've only seen the outside from my hospital window.

Billie had a huge smile on his face. It's the happiest I've seen him since I've known him.

He walked along side me, I was moving slowly as I had crutches.

We reached the doors to the hospital, I could see the bright light and flowers from here.

"You ready?" Billie smiled, stopping at the doors.

"Yes, I am." I stuttered.

He walked closer, the doors opening by themselves.

I slowly stepped out of the hospital, being welcomed by a cool breeze and the sunlight hitting my skin.

I looked around me. Colorful flowers, green grass and a fountain in front of me.

"The bay is one the way home, you'll have a nice view of it." Billie smiled, motioning for me to follow him.

He pulled me to the car, helping me in.

"Get ready, Fran."

Oblivion ➵ Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now