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I pounded on the door, Heather hot on my heels as she ran towards me, prying me off the door.

"Frances, stop it!" She pleaded.

I heard quick footsteps approach the door, right before the door swung open.

In front of me was Billie, looking dead.

Good. I thought to myself, despising the man in front of me.

"Frances." He said, relived. His eyes were red, his cheeks were swollen. His face was pale, he looked terrible.

"I want to talk. I've made up my mind, I'm not changing it." I spat, walking inside.

"I'll wait for you outside, Frances." I heard Heather stammer.

I nodded, slamming the door shut behind you.

"Baby, I'm so glad you're back." He sobbed, trying to pull me into an embrace.

"No, no no no." I pushed him away, distancing myself. "I'm fucking done. I don't want this. I don't need to love you, I don't. I forced myself to feel nothing that was there." I argued, holding my hands firm.

"Frances, stop. No! You do love me! I know you fucking do! What does it take for you to realize that all I've ever done was love you! Before the accident, we were so happy. So in love. Hell, we were lost in love." He sobbed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"We were gonna be parents. We were planning so damn much for this baby. All we wanted was to be the best." He added, looking at me with pleading eyes.

I looked at him, a dead stare in my eyes. Nothing but hatred rushed through me when I looked into his green eyes.

"I know what caused the accident." I said, coldly, holding back the tears.

"W-what?" He stammered, shocked.

"Cut the bullshit. I know." I screamed, angrily.

"I know that you went behind my back and used drugs. I know we argued that night. I know you punched a hole in the wall. But, most importantly, I knew you said the baby was a mistake." I enraged.

"I realized, I could never, ever, fucking be in love with a cold blooded piece of shit like you. I realized, I could never fucking ever live with myself if I just let myself be unhappy. I hate you, Billie Joe. You're a coward. A fucking monster." I coldly stated.

"This is your fault." I bellowed, digging my finger nails into my palms.

"Frances; no! I'm fucking sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He sobbed harder, dropping on his knees, grabbing my hands, begging for forgiveness.

"Get up." I said, my eyes watering.

He didn't listen, he stayed at my feet, begging me to forgive him, crying.

"I said get up!" I screamed, backing away from him.

He quickly got up, looking at me with his red, puffy eyes.

We both remained silent. Looking at each other.

"I want a divorce." I stated, wiping the tears from my eyes.

He gasped, walking towards me and pushing his lips onto mine.

He grabbed me by the hips, kissing my stiff lips.

"Get off of me." I said, trying to push him off.

He continued, my anger growing.

"Get off me!" I screeched.

Heather heard this, she busted in through the door.

"Frances!" She exclaimed as I pushed Billie away with my fists.

"No, baby, please. Anything but that. Please, give me another chance. I can change. I promise you! I'll do whatever, please Frances! Please, I'm begging you. Don't leave me. Don't leave me." He said, in between sobs.

"My decision is final, Billie. I don't love you. I don't want this. I don't need this." My tears ran down my face.

My words flowed out, they seemed to dissolve into thin air. My vision was spotted, faint crying was heard in the distance. The words growing smaller and smaller, my surroundings began to disappear.

I felt my body begin to jolt, my eyes slammed open.




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