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Billie and I had surprisingly gotten some decent sleep, I think we had slept a full 7 hours.

Joey didn't cry, when I checked on him last night he was still sound asleep.

I yawned, stretching my arms. Billie was still next to me, snoring softly.

I smiled, gently getting out of bed and letting him rest, as he was never getting any sleep, anyway.

I approached the sink, yawing, before washing my face. I picked up my tooth brush and wet it, applying tooth paste and brushing my teeth.

I did it as quickly and as quietly as I could, Billie was a light sleeper.

I tip toed quickly, leaving the room and slowly closing the door behind me.

I made my way to Joey's room, the door was open, like we had always left it, in case of an emergency.

I checked the time on the little digital clock in the corner. "9:19" the clock read.

I pulled my t shirt out of the crib, placing it on the hamper. "I see my t shirt trick worked, mister." I teased, picking him up.

He was gurgling, moving his little, chubby hands around, his head moving around to see around him.

"My curious little boy." I squeaked as I went to the kitchen to feed him.

I placed him in his feeding chair, tightening him in and going to the fridge to pull out his baby food.

"Hm, you feelin' like eating bananas, today?" I playfully asked, unscrewing the jar and pulling out a small spoon.

Joey bounced in his chair, as I fed him, his little hands trying to grab onto the spoon, unsuccessfully.

He'd squeal from time to time, it would always be followed by a gentle shush.

I heard foot steps wander into the living room, I peered over my shoulder to see Billie in random pajama pants and no shirt.

"Good morning." I said, sweetly as I gave Joey his last spoonful of breakfast.

"Good morning." He yawned, kissing the top of my head.

I left Joey in his chair as I left to go get some juice.

I poured myself a glass, putting the gallon back in the fridge right after. "Did you sleep well?" I asked Billie, taking a sip of my juice.

"Surprisingly, yes. Thanks for letting me sleep a little more in, by the way." He answered, pouring himself coffee.

I simply smiled, before taking another sip of juice.

I saw Billie admire Joey from the corner of my eye, a small smile on his face.

"He's a little wild one, but, we both know where he gets that." I said, walking over and putting my head on Billie's shoulder.

"Definitely." He grinned, placing his hand on my lower back.

"Frances, yknow whats coming up soon, right?" He asked me, looking down on me.

It was July.

Billie and I's first wedding anniversary was tomorrow.

I think we've both known this, we've just been so preoccupied with our own things, like me having to take care of Joey and Billie writing songs to meet his label's quick demands.

"Mhm." I answered, pulling myself up to sit on the counter.

"Perfect." He smirked, taking a drink of coffee. "I want to take you somewhere, it might not be all special but I want to celebrate it. I want to be with you." He told me, truthfully.

I smiled, tucking my hair behind my ears. I blushed, butterflies dancing around in my stomach.

After all these years, he still had that effect on me.

"Billie, I don't care where I am. I'm happy that I'm going to be with you. Take me to some garbage alley, I don't care. I'm with you." I told him, as he walked over to me and planted a kiss on my neck.

"I fucking love you." He told me, kissing my temple.

"I love you." I told him, pulling him in closer with my legs.

"You're not uh, taking me to a garbage alley, though, right?" I asked, pulling his head away from the crook of my neck.

"Hm. I dunno." He joked, a grin on his face.

"Aw, c'mon, Billie!" I playfully slapped his forearm.

We both heard Joey squeal, his hands slamming onto the plastic little table that was attached to the high chair.

"He's defending me, ya see." Billie playfully scowled at me and went to go pick up Joey.

"Ha ha, very funny." I crossed my arms, following his joke.

Billie held Joey on his hip, supporting his back with one hand and his head with the other.

He wiped the slobber Joey had all over his lips with a napkin, gently.

"And you, little man, we found out you'd be coming into our lives yesterday, too." Billie smiled at the oblivious Joey.

I smiled, walking over to them.

"My boys." I kissed Joey on his little head, my hand place over Billie's.

"Hey, so this boy doesn't get a kiss?" Billie asks, sticking out his cheek.

I look at him, a smile crept on my face.

"Hm," I tapped my foot, putting my hand on my hip.

"Nope!" I said, before playfully smacking his cheek and darting towards our shared bed room.

"Aw, Frances!" I heard him yell, his footsteps heard in the living room.

"Not cool!"

Oblivion ➵ Billie Joe ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now