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Roman and Dean sat on the couch and I waited eagerly for Seth to return. I felt bad. One of two reasons, one being, Dean has a girlfriend and he never would've agreed to this if he weren't drunk. Two, I don't know how to feel about Seth, things have been weird between us and if he found out I had a threesome with Dean and Roman, he would never talk to me again.

My palms were sweaty and I was quietly tapping my foot on the wooden floor.

"Will you cut it out? He won't know." Roman whispers too me while Deans eyes are glued to the tv.

"But now Dean knows, I wanted this to stay between me and you." I told him.

"Dean won't say anything." He reminds me.

"What if he does?" I ask and Roman just shrugs his shoulders. Clearly pissing me off.

Seconds later, Seth walks into the door and I finally feel like I can breath. I felt comfortable when he was around because he's the only one of these men who aren't sex maniacs.

"Hey guys." He says while sitting some beer on the counter and some snacks.

"Hi." I smile and he smiles back. I hear Roman groan as he gets up and walks into the other room. Seth notices but decides to ignore it like everything else he does with Roman.

"So I ran into Summer while I was in the store." Seth says. The mention of summer almost makes me jealous. Wait, no. I'm not jealous. Me and Seth are friends.

"Yeah?" I say.

"She said her and a couple of others are going out tonight, you know to hang around, I was wondering if yall wanted to go." Seth said and I nodded.

"Yeah, sounds cool." I say.

"Even though it sounds boring, I'll still have to pass." Roman annoyingly says walking back into the kitchen.

"Why man?" Dean ask him.

"Galina is coming over, I'm just gonna spend the night with her before we go back on the road." He says. He doesn't even sound like he's trying to make me jealous, it just sounds like he wants to spend time with his wife, which makes me even more jealous.

"Oh that's nice." Seth comments.

"Yeah, but you guys have fun though." Roman says before walking back into the other room.

"I don't have to dress up do i?" I say to Seth and he laughs.

"Nah, just don't look bad. I have a reputation to up hold." He arrogantly says and I playfully slap him on the chest.

"Jerk." I comment and he smirks.

"Go get ready, I'm gonna try and sober Ambrose up." He says and I walk off into the other room to take a shower.

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