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"You look beautiful." Seth said as I opened the door wider and stepped out into the well lit hallway. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt and black tie, while I on the other hand managed to get halfway dressed up. I wore a black cotton dress with my black converse and I only did a little to my hair.

"Thanks." I smiled sweetly and took his hand as we walked down to the main floor. "Where are we going?"

"A restaurant, it's down the street." He said as we walked out and down the road to a little restaurant on the corner, it looked fancy. Something I never really liked but Seth was different. He was way different then me. He led me inside to a small table in the back room as we ordered our food and waited.

"You know AJ, I'm really sorry about how I treated you. You must of hated me." He said messing with the napkin in front of him.

"I didn't hate you. Upset? Yes I was very upset with you but hate? I could never hate you Seth." I explained to him. Maybe this was the guy for me. The one that I've been looking for. He admitted to his mistakes unlike the other guys I've been with. He's sweet and kind. He's handsome, he understands me.

"But- I, uh... I need to tell you something important." He said looking directly into my eyes.

Romans point of view

I looked over all the shinny little rings in front of me but nothing really stood out. Nothing special, nothing that seemed like AJ's type. They were all diamond cut, gold, silver and I know AJ better than anyone. She doesn't like fancy things. Frankly it wasn't even the price that was my concern, I could spend every penny I had on her and I wouldn't care, but I wanted something special and I knew she would like.

"Do you have anything like antique or old ish, but still a wedding ring?" I asked. How pathetic was I? It was 9 something at night and I was in some random jewelry store buying a engagement ring for AJ. The old man in front of me leaned under the counter and pulled out a wooden box. When he opened it, I saw a bunch of old looking rings placed neatly. I scanned over them until one in particular caught my eye. It was a gold ring with a black stone in the middle, it was antique-ish and I looked at the ring closer as in cursive on the band it wrote forever and always.

This was perfect. I knew she would love it. I quickly asked for the price and handed the man the money in cash, it was a bit on the expensive side but who cares, I know she would fall in love with it. Hopefully like she was in love with me.

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