Chapter 2: Found you!

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or bad english, this has not been edited)

Chapter 2: Found you!

Madeline's P.O.V.


That's all I was feeling, fear. Why? Why was I feeling fear? Why was I scared? No, afraid, or maybe terrified? Why was everything around me so dark and cold? Why was I so miserable, so... alone?

'Darn! deep in thought again. Why do I keep thinking about that now? I mean that's supposed to be in the past right?'


'What? I think I just heard my name'


'There it is again. Who is calling me? It sounds so familiar.'


'Who is it? I can't find the source of that familiar voice in this crowd.'

I felt two hands lift me up off the ground.

"Found you!" He said with a huge smile.

"Al!!" I was happy, really happy to see him.

He spun me around in a hug for a moment and put me on the ground, and gave me another hug, this one longer and tighter.

"I missed you so much!! You got me so worried!! Where were you!?" He said. I could see his concern and I felt guilty for worrying him but I couldn't help it.

"It's only been like a day or so since we last saw each other! Don't you think you are exaggerating?" I said avoiding his question.

"No! For real I really did miss you a lot and you really, really got me worried, I mean seriously where were you? I looked everywhere for you but I couldn't find you. I thought something might have happened," he said and scratched the back of his head giving me a sad smile like saying 'sorry I'm talking sentimental again.' (A/N I don't know if that's correct but I'm going with it)

To be honest I didn't expect him to be so worried about me but it kind of made me happy, I mean nobody has cared enough to worry about me and it actually feels... good.

"Were you really that worried?" I aksed.

"Yeah I was. Weren't you listening?" He said.

"I was, I just couldn't... believe it," I whispered that last part so he didn't hear me.

"I missed you too and sorry I worried you," I said with a smile that he returned.

"That's ok, really, just... try not to do it again 'kay?" He looked at me waiting for my answer.

"'Kay!" I answered.

"Ok, great. Moving on, what do you want to do?" He asked.

"I don't know. What do you want to do? This is your day after all, which reminds me," I take a little box in my hands and extended it for him to take.

He looked at me then at the box and then at me again.

"What's this?" He asked confused.

"A gift.. for you," I answered confused of why he asked.

"Well I know that, but you didn't have to get me anything and you don't have to do anything for me today. Just act normal like how you always act. Just be you, I don't want you to do anything for me today. Today is nothing special. Today is just another ordinary day."

"No that's wrong! Today is not just any other day, today is special, and since I'm your #1 best friend, it's my job to make sure today is the best day ever, even if you don't want me to! I'm going to make you happy!! So take it!" I said with determination.

" *sigh* Fine," He took the box and started opening it. "This is... wonderful, thank you so much!" He said spinning me in a tight hug.

"No problem," I got him a key chain that I made just for him and it had a picture of us inside. "You can change the picture if you want," I said.

"No, no. This is perfect, thank you so much Maddie, you are the best!" He said in a really cheerful manner.

"Glad you liked it."

---- Time skip ----

"So, what do you want to do next?" I asked.

"Let's just relax, sit in the park, talk, enjoy the breeze, the sky, the stars, the moon and each other's company, sound good?" He said.

"That's perfect!" I said with a smile.

"Hey Maddie?" Al said.

"Yes? What's up?" I asked.

"Well, you never told me where you were this morning. Why were you late?" He asked and I really didn't wanted to answer.

"Well I went to sleep late last night so I slept in this morning, sorry I was late and sorry I worried you," I lied except for the part that I was sorry.

"It's ok, I just thought it was something more serious but I guess I'm just really paranoid," he said and scratched the back of head while laughing a little.

"I just didn't want anything to happen to you, I really care about you a lot, I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to you I would probably go insane," he said still scratching the back of his head but this time in the 'sorry I'm talking sentimental again' way.

"Al?" I said while looking up at the sky full of stars.

"Yeah?" He look at me.

"I'm glad we met."

"Me too," he looked at the sky.

"I mean you are really special to me, you are my one and only friend and the best for that matter and you are probably the only person who has ever cared for me or even acknowledged my existence and I'm really grateful for that. Al?" I looked at him.

"Yeah?" He looks at me.

"Thank you."

"Maddie, you don't have to thank me, I feel exactly the same way you do, so really I should be thanking you, so thank you."

"B-but I didn't do anything," I protested.

"But you did, just by being here, you make my day so much better and I'm so glad you are my best friend, I couldn't have a better one."

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. I swear that if we kept talking about this I was going to cry.

"We better be going now, it's getting late and we don't want to get in trouble now do we?" Al said.

"Yes you are right, you want to meet up tomorrow same time?" I asked.

"Yeah! I'll be here for sure!" He said excited with a huge smile on his face.

"Perfect, see you tomorrow. Oh and Al?"


I approached him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Happy birthday" with that I left.

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