Chapter 16: In two days.

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or just because it sounds bad or stupid) 

Chapter 16: In two days.

Alistair's P.O.V.

"Where the hell were you!?" Oops, I'm caught.

"Hey sis, can you be a little bit louder? I don't think the rest of the country heard you"

"Ha ha, very funny," She said and crossed her arms "Now Alistair, where in the world were you?" she got closer "I had to cover for you, you know" She poked me in the chest and I put my arms up in surrender.

"Oh, he he, is that so?" I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I kept father away from your business," Poke "I had to stay close to your room the whole day" poke "and I had to make up excuses so they wouldn't knock on your door and realize you were gone-" poke.

"-Ok ok, I get it, thanks, I owe you one, alright? now will you stop poking me?"

poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, pok-

"-Alright, alright, please stop!" She stopped, looked at me for a second and stepped back.

'*mental sigh* thank god' I relaxed.

"So..." she crossed her arms again and turned from me, like when she acts like she doesn't care but wants to know something really bad, or when she is cooking up something... or both... that's not good..." how did it go?" 

"What?" She looked over her shoulder and gave me the 'are you serious?' look. She stared for a moment, sighed and turned to face me.

"You went to see your girlfriend, didn't you?"

"What?" She gave me another 'are you serious?' look, stared at me for another moment, sighed again and looked at me.

"The girl, Madeline, I believe that was her name, right?- and I guess the nickname is private" She muttered "Her, you went to her, didn't you?"


"-You need to stop repeating yourself-"

"-No, I told you it wasn't like that, she isn't my girlfriend-"


"NO! You are blowing this out of proportion... it's" I bite my nail "" I grip my hair and ruffle it out frustration "... ugh... in any case she is not my girlfriend"

"Yeah, whatever" She brushed me off, obviously not believing me, or thinking she knew something I didn't. "Well, you did go to see her though, right? That's where you were, right?" She gave me that smile that sends chills down your back, you know, the smile that means you did something wrong, the smile moms give you when they know something, the creepy smile Yuno does... ok no, maybe that's going too far... but yeah that smile. "you better, if not, I covered you for nothing and we wouldn't want that, will we?"

'She is freaking me out! I'm sure she is ready to go all psycho on me *mental gulp* I'm scared...'

"Yea-" My voice was squeaky, I cleared my throat and started again "Yeah, I did go to see her, and actually..." I stared right at her "I need a favor"

---- Time skip ----

"You are going to what!?"

"Keep it down! Just because we are in my room now doesn't mean they can't hear us!" I whisper-yelled. I dragged Gaby to my room so we could talk without anybody listening, I didn't want anyone else knowing.

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