Chapter 10: I think I'm going crazy...

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or just because it sounds bad or stupid)

Chapter 10: I think I'm going going crazy...

Alistair P.O.V.


A gunshot...

My heart practically leaped out of my chest, I ran as fast as I could over to them, hoping that Maddie was ok, and that's when I saw it...


blood splatter over her...

the gun in her hands...

and a dead man...

Maddie noticed me standing there and her face turned shocked and terrified, I was pretty sure my face matched hers, she looked at me then at the bloody gun in hands and let go of it, making it fall on a puddle of blood on the floor.

"A-al... th-this... this is not what it looks like... I didn't mean for you to see this... I-" "Maddie! Oh my god! Are you ok? I'll call an abulance-" "NO!!"

I looked at her confused as to why she didn't wanted me to call an abulance, maybe that guy could still be alive, they will put him in prison for attacking Maddie, right? I don't see why she doesn't want to call the police. Is she scared she might go to prison for shoting the guy? Well I think the fact that Maddie shot him will be put as self defense.

"You weren't supposed to find out, I didn't wanted you to find out this way... no, this is all wrong" she closed her eyes shut while she was on the floor grabbing her hair, gripping it tightly as if she was going to rip it out, she had small tears in her eyes threatening to come out.

"You weren't supposed to find out, not now not ever!" She started crying and I immediately kneel down next to her and hug her as close to me as I could.

"Maddie, breathe, I'm right here with you, just take a deep breath" She did as I said.

"Ok," I break the hug and put my hands on her shoulders "What are you talking about? What did you mean by 'you weren't supposed to find out'? What is going on Maddie?"

She wipes her tears with her hands that still have blood splatter over them which made her smudge the blood to her cheeks, she looked right at me and I dragged my hands to her cheeks wiping the blood away from her beautiful face.

"I... *clears throat* I'll explain everything to you later, ok? I promise, but I need you to help me carry that guy over there" She said pointing to the guy I thought that was dead.

"You want me to carry him? Where? And isn't he dead or in critical condition? Shouldn't we call the p-"

"NO! Eh... I mean no, we can't do that, please Al just trust me, I promise I'll explain everything later"

I thought about it for a second thinking that maybe it would be best if I had just called the police but then I looked at her eyes, the way she did, how she looked at me, I felt vulnerable, I couldn't take it so I gave in.

"Fine, I won't call the police and I'll carry him, just tell me where I'm going to take him, but I still want an explanation once we get there"

"Of course, I would never lie to you, not anymore anyways" She said but the last part she wispered.

'So she has been lying to me'

I didn't like that my fahter was correct about her lying to me, but I bet she had a good reason and she did just say she wasn't going to lie to me anymore right?

I went over to where the guy was and noticed something, he didn't have any bullet holes or any wounds for that matter, there wasn't a single scratch on him.

'If he doesn't have any wounds on him... then where did the blood... came from?'

And then it hit me and my eyes widen, my heart started beating faster, it felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. I turned to face Maddie and looked straight at her. I took a good look and examine every bit of her, taking everything in, every single detail, and that's when I saw...

"Maddie-" "Al, is not anything serious, is just a scratch, the bullet barely grace me, it's nothing I promise, I'm fine"

Her upper right leg was bleeding and her upper left arm was bleeding to and I can't believe I didn't notice before, I mean you could see that the bullet graced her harm, and I was so close to her and I didn't noticed!

"Wait, why do you have two wounds, I only heard one gunshot"

"Al, I promise I'll explain everything in a little bit but first we have to get him to my place" She said pointing to the guy again, wait what!? We were going to her place!?

"So that's where we are going? To place?" She nodded. "Oh ok cool"

I honestly didn't know how to react, I mean I was going to Maddie's house for the first time.

"Al, could hurry up and take the guy alredy, we need to get him to my place as soon as possible, just give him a piggy back ride and let's go" I did as she told me and carry the guy on my back.

"Where's your home anyway?" I asked curious as to where we were going.

"I wouldn't call it 'home' But it's not that far from here, just follow me"

Maddie took a look around before telling me to go, I followed her, there wasn't anybody around but it was still early in the morning so that could be why or maybe it's just that no one comes here because of how shady looking this place was.

I keep following Maddie in silence, I just kept thinking about the whole thing, What was going on? What was Maddie going to tell me? Who's the guy? I had so many questions, but there was one thing that was botheringme the most...

How did Maddie get two wounds, the guy none and she end up with the gun?

It didn't make sense, there was something fishy here, it was impossible for her to fire the gun and shoot herself instead of the person in front of her, and how did she get two wounds when there was only one gunshot, also why was the guy passed out if he didn't got shot or anything, and there was so much blood, all of it couldn't have come from Maddie, it was to much.

Nothing made sense and I was hoping that Maddie knew the answer to my questions and would tell me everything.

"I think I'm going crazy..."

Hey guys, sorry for the crappie chapter, this is just supposed to be the fill in between the action and to put in some questions there, I know it's not that good but I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you guys so much for reading. Please vote and comment. Love you guys and until next time.

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