Chapter 1: Ha- Please don't say it!

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or bad english, this has not been edited)

Chapter 1: Ha- Please don't say it!

Alistair's P.O.V.

Today started just as any other day, until I realized what today was. I was sitting on my bed when I heard a knock on the door.

'Knock knock knock'

I got up and opened the door. In front of me was Nora, the secretary. She looked as boring as always. She was about 30 or something, she had dark blonde hair, brown eyes, and she wears big black glasses that make her look like a librarian. She was wearing her regular uniform, a white blouse with a black jacket on top and a black skirt.

She looked at me with a straight face and said "Your breakfast will be done in a minute, would you like to eat it here or do you prefer to eat at the table?"

"I would like to eat it here, if it's possible that is, I know my parents won't allow it," I answered. I knew that my parents would never let me eat in my room but I had a little bit of hope.

"They gave me permission to ask what you would prefer for today, so I'll bring it when it's ready," she said trying to sound positive but failed terribly. I knew that she was trying to cheer me up since she knew how lonely I was. She was trying to make today better than any other day but that wouldn't be possible, there was only one way to change this day for the better.

"Well, I'll be leaving now, I'll be back in a minute with your breakfast, oh and would you like me to clear your schedule for today?" She asked.

"Yes, please, that would be great, thank you Nora," I said in a cheerful manner.

"Don't mention it and ha-"

"Please don't say it," I interrupted before she could finish. She looked at me confused but nodded anyway and walked away.

---- Time skip ----

After finishing my breakfast I took a shower and put on some clean clothes. I went out the door and started to walk out of the house, hoping not to run into anybody. But....

"Where are you going?" There it is. That cold voice that scares me to death, the voice without any feeling behind it, the voice that belongs to the person who is always judging me.

"Good morning.... father," I said scared to say the last word.

"I asked you something, now answer," he said.

"Out," I knew that wasn't enough for him but... I didn't want him to know.

"Out where?" He asks.

"The park," I answered.


"Why?" I asked back.

"Yes, why? Why do you want to go to the park?" He said and I could tell he was running out of patience.

"Because.... I have buisness there."

"What kind of buisness?" I was growing tired of so many questions. I really didn't wanted to tell him, so I said..

"Some private buisness."

There was a moment of silence, and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

"You can't go," was all he said before turning around and walking away. But of course I stopped him. I wasn't going to miss that for the world and I wasn't going to let him ruin my day. 'Not that it already wasn't'

"Father, with all respect, there's no way I'm not going to the park, I won't miss it for anything or anyone, not even you, so I'm going whether you let me or not," with that I turn around and started walking towards the door, after a few seconds I heard footsteps behind me so I started walking faster, when I reached the door I opened it and turned around and saw my very furious father and behind him my sister Gabriela.

I saw how she stopped him and calmed  him down because in his state he could kill someone. She looked at me and moved her head signaling to get out, I nodded, whispered a 'thank you' and closed the door shut behind me.

I started running to the park hoping that I wasn't too late, bumping into a few people in the process and murmuring sorry every time.

When I got to the park I stopped running and starting looking everywhere. I couldn't find her, she was nowhere to be seen, and I was starting to fear that she left because I didn't show up in time. But then I remembered that she would never do that, she would have waited the whole day if it was necessary, that was just how she was and because of that I was starting to get worried.

'What if something had happened to her? What if she's in danger? What if somebody took her?' Tons of questions where running through my head and I was starting to freak out so I started looking around for her.

I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her anywhere, I was starting to think that today was really the worst day ever and the only thing that could have made this day better had disappeared and was never coming back, that I had lost her, forever, but I wasn't going to give up, I was going to look for her without stopping until I found her, no matter what.

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