Chapter 5: Prove you wrong.

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or bad english, this has not been edited)

Chapter 5: Prove you wrong.

Alistair's P.O.V.

Once I agree to my father's offer, he dismissed me and I went up to my room, I heard my mom and Gaby talking but I couldn't really hear anything but whispers.

When I opened the door, they stood there frozen, there was a clear tension in the air and a akaward silence.

"Well, now that you are done talking to your father Ben, I guess we should really leave your room so you can have some time to your self before going to sleep, tomorrow is a big day right?" My mom broke the silence.

'How did she knew? I just finished talking to father about it. I wonder what they were talking about before I got here, was it about this?'

"Um... y-yeah" Was all I could stutter out.

I looked at Gaby and she had a weird look in her face, she looked at me with an expression of... pity? She looked as if she were sorry for me, and I didn't quite understand why.

"Ok, well see you tomorrow Ben, and happy birthday, again. Sorry it wasn't the best one" My mom said but whispered the last part, I guess she didn't wanted me to hear that, but I still did.

Gaby didn't said a single word and looked really uncomfortable, which was weird because she never stays silent.

They both left my room and I was finally on my own. I went to the bathroom, took a bath, change into my pijamas, bushed my teeth, and trew myself into my bed.

I started thinking about what my father said and I found myself thinking about the possibility that maybe he was right.

'No, there's no way he's right, Maddie is not like that, I know her'

Well, he was right about one thing, I don't really know anything about Maddie.

'But I do know Maddie, right? She's sweet, kind, and very lonely from what I've seen'

But other than that, my father's right, I don't really know Maddie.

'But that doesn't mean she is like my father said she was'

But since my father was right about one thing, he could be right about this too.

'No, I can't think that, Maddie is not like that, we've been friends forever, I'm right, she'll never do that'

"I'll find a way, I'll show him he's wrong about Maddie"

---- Time skip ----

It's morning, and I'm at the park with my father and some of his men, he said he wanted to make sure for himself how Maddie (he actually called her 'the girl') would react, to make sure I didn't lie about her reaction.

We were waiting for Maddie because she was running  late again, my father was right next to me and that's when I noticed something.

"Hey father, don't you think you should like hide or something? I mean it would be weird if I talk to her with you here, and your men might spoke her, also her reaction might change because of you. Isn't better if you look at us from the distance?"

He seem to think about this for a second and he turned to face me again.

"I guess you are a little bit right, alright I'll watch from a far in order to no get to much attention to myself"

'And a ton of men in black following you doesn't bring attention to yourself?'

"I'll be over there looking and hearing everything you do and say, for when the girl comes" He said pointing towards a bench not to far from the one we were in now.

He was about to leave with his men, but before he did I stopped him.

"Father, keep your word, if I win you are going to let me be"

"Of course, a man always keeps his word, but don't get your hopes up, you have to win first" He said in an almost cocky tone.

"Don't worry I will, some how, some way, I'm gonna prove you wrong"

With that he left and right after I spotted Maddie coming running towards me.

"I'm late again, I'm so sorry Al" Maddie said and hugged me. I hugged back and I felt so happy to see her, I never wanted to let go of her, but all good things have to come to an end.

We pulled away, she had a big smile of her face like she always had, and I took my time to really look at her and take in every detail of her face, from her chocolate brown eyes to the little freckles that you could only see if you were this close to her, and that's when I noticed something.

"Hey, what happened to your cheek?"

Her left cheek was bright red and was a little scraped, as if she was hit by something.

"Oh, this?" She touched her left cheek "it's nothing, don't worry about it, I just tripped on the way here and forgot to put my hands before my face" She laughed nervously.

"Seriously? You have to be more careful Maddie, it could of have been worse" I said with all seriousness.

"Yeah, you are right, I'm sorry, I'll be more careful, I promise" She said with that beautiful smile of hers.

"You say sorry to much, you have nothing to be sorry about" I laughed a little.

'I will be the one saying sorry soon'

"Yeah sorry" She slapped her hands over her mouth.

I just started laughing so hard and I couldn't stop, then I heard Maddie started laughing too.

"Well, what do you want to do today Al?" Maddie asked after she was done laughing.

I was done laughing and my face turned completely blank and serious. I looked down at my hands, I couldn't face her.

"Actually Maddie, I gotta talk to you about something"

"W-what is it?" She said with a shaky voice.

"I...I um" I stutter. I couldn't say it, I was to scared.

I slowly lifted my head so I could face her. Her face held a worried expression and when I saw her like that, I think I broke a little.



"Ican'tbefriendswithyouanymore" I said as fast as I could and I closed my eyes, as if I was waiting for impact or something.

"Could you say it slower so I can understand this time"

I looked up to face her again, looked into her beautiful eyes and said...

"Maddie, I can't be friends with you anymore"

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