Chapter 3: 9 years!?

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or bad english, this has not been edited)

Chapter 3: 9 years!?

Alistair's P.O.V.

'She will never change, no matter how many times I tell her not to say it, she will say it, and no matter how many times I tell her that my birthday is not important, she will try to make it the most amazing thing in the world, that's just how she is, and I'm glad she is like this, because if it wasn't for her, today would had been the worst day ever'

I walk back home opened the door as silent as possible so I won't bring attention to myself, 'but I guess that would be impossible'

The lights turn on and I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Benjamin!!" I sigh in relief because I knew it was my mother she is the only one who calls me that.

"Where were you!? I was worried sick!! I had no idea where you were and I thought something might have happened to you!!" She said and you could see she was clearly worried.

"Um..ah... I'm sorry mother, I was... out in some business... I thought father would have told you but I guess he didn't" I said trying to sound convincing, but it wasn't totally a lie.

"Well, he did tell me that you had gone somewhere against his wishes, that's why I was so worried sweetie, where were you going anyway that your father was so against it?" My mother asked, but I seriously didn't know how to answer.

"Well, I said I was going to the park for some 'private' business. I guess that was a wrong move, wasn't it?"

"You did what!? Benjamin, you know how your father is, you shouldn't have done that!" My mother said and honestly I couldn't care less, I already knew what she was going to tell me she was going to tell me the same thing as always.

'Don't challenge your father, always answer him properly, and always, always do what he says'

"I know mom I just couldn't stand it anymore he can't tell me what to do forever"

"Ben I don't think your father wants you to do whatever he says, I think he is just worried about you and he just wants to make sure you don't get into any sort of trouble, but what was that private business anyways? Why didn't you want to tell your father?"

"Mom it's just that... it's a secret" I said and sighed

"Oh ok so it's that kind of deal uh uh" she said with a smug smile.

"No mom this is serious I'm pretty sure if dad ever found out he'll probably never let me out of this house again" I said with a sad and serious tone so she could understand.

"Oh so this is really that important?" She asked. I nodded.

"Ok then it's settled I'll make sure your father doesn't get to curious of your actions from now on ok so you don't have to worry"

"Seriously? Thanks mom you're the best" I was so happy it would be great if I didn't have to worry about dad findingout that I hang out with Maddie.

"Come on everyone is still waiting for you, let's go eat some cake!"

"*sing* fine I guess I don't have a choice do I?"

"Nope" My mom said poping to 'p' and the end.

Seriously I'm never going to get away from this one, but I might as well just go along with it and pretend I'm having fun for her sake.

---- Time skip ----

"So, bro, come on tell me what happend, why was dad so furious? He looked like he wanted to actually kill you" My sister Gabriela asked me and she was right, I'm preatty sure that my dad wanted to kill me at that moment I mean that was the firts time I had ever stand up to him that way,I think that I may have crossed the line.

"Well sis is a long story that I'll rather not talk about and thanks for helping me out when you did, if it werent for you I'll be either dead or in the hospital" I said and meant every single word I'm saying.

"No problem bro I got your back just next time...well lets just not have a next time ok?" She smile at me.

"I couldn't agree more with you there" I smiled back and then my father comes in and the moment is ruin.

We just stare at him as he move through the room and sits down on his seat at the head of the table. There is a moment of silence and then my father speaks up.

"So, Alistair did you took care of that private busniess you had at the park?"


To be completely honest I was terrefied, he knew what I did today, he knew where I was, who I was with and what I was doing, I dont know how he found out but he knew, he knew everything, and he didnt like it.

"So, Alistair are you going to answer me?"


I was completely paralize, I had no idea what was to come and what he was going to say, the words that where going to change my life forever and the words that were going to destoy me.

"Father I-"

"No son, I don't want any of your excuses, I know what you've been doing earlier today and I'm pretty sure that you've done it for a long time now, whenever you get the chance Isn't that right son?"

There was complete silence, my mom and my sister were completely confused at what was going on and had no idea what my father was talking about but they were completely captivated by it and they were just about to find out what was going on.

"How long has this been going on? And I want an answer" He stated and I don't think I could defy that.

"Since I was seven" I mumble.

"You mean to tell me that this has been going on for the last 9 years?" My father said as pinch the bidge of hid nose like always did whenever he was stressed, irritated or just mad.

"Yes" I mumble again looking down at my hands, there was no point in hidding it now anyways but I still felt ashamed.

"Why?" I hear my father say.

I lift up my head "why?" I asked, and suddenly I feel a feeling of déjà vu followed by a feeling of hopelessness.

"Yeah son why would you go through the trouble of sneaking out every time you get the chance for the past 9 years just to see her!?"

"HER!?" Both my mom and my sister screamed at the same time.

I was silent I had no idea how to answer the question and I knew he wanted one.

"Well Alistair I'm waiting for your answer"

"Woah woah woah hold on a second you mean that my little brother Al the brat that barely has any friends has been sneaking out to see a girl for 9 years and no one knew anything about it until now!?"

'Jeez thanks' I wounld have though if I wasn't to busy thinking of what to say to my father because I don't know what he might do if I give the wrong answer. I could hear the whole discussion my sister and my mom had about how was it possible and stuff that girls talk about that I would never understand but I keep thinking on what to answer to my father so I take a deep breathe and say...

"Because I enjoy being with her"

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