Chapter 20: I don't believe in love.

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or just because it sounds bad or stupid)

Chapter 20: I don't believe in love.

Alistair's P.O.V.


The door open to reveal a very confused Maddie.

"Al? What are you doing here? I told y-"

"Pack your bags, Maddie, we are getting out of here"


"Exactly like I just said, I'm leaving and I'm taking you with me"

She sighed and shook her head "Alistair what you're saying doesn't make any sense, I'm not going anywhere and you shouldn't even be here"

"Then I guess I'll just have to kidnap you" I pushed past her and immediately headed to her room.

"Al, what are you doing? Al!" I ignored her and kept walking once in her room I took out an empty bag and kneeled in front of her dresser. I opened the second drawer where all her clothes were and started putting stuff into the bag.

"Just stop Al, please" Once I was done with her clothes, I closed the drawer.

"You have to leave, please Al" I sighed and looked up at her.

"I'm not leaving without you Maddie, so you might as well give up" I stood up and handed her the bag. "And I really don't want to open that drawer again" I signal to the first drawer "So it's better if do it yourself"

She glanced over at the dresser and then at me, something flashed in her eyes and she crossed her arms.

"No way, I'm not helping you kidnap me" she smirked and shrugged "and you can't invade my privacy either so I guess we're not going anywhere"

Our eyes locked and we stayed like that for a while, not moving or talking, just staring at each other trying to reach the other's mind.

She was obviously right, I couldn't just open the drawer and do it myself, that's why I wanted her to do it, but what other choice do I have? We can't just leave without her underwear.

I groaned "Come on Maddie, just do it"

"Nope" She popped the 'p' and looked away from me.

"Fine then" I opened the drawer and grabbed Maddie's hand earning a surprised yelp from her. I shoved her hand into the drawer and made it grab as much as it could, lift it up then put it in the bag of clothes, and closing the drawer, all in a blick of an eye. I let go of her and looked at her. She was astonished.

"How's your wound?" Her shocked expression turned into a confused one. I closed the bags and lifted then over to my shoulder.

"Your wound," I pointed to her stomach and she followed my movements with her eyes "did it healed yet?" She looked up. She was still confused.

"It's fine"

I smirked "Perfect" I moved closer to Maddie.

"What are you- No, Alistair wait- no, Al!" I grabbed her legs and lifted her over my shoulder making sure she wouldn't fall.

"What are you doing Alistair? Let me down!" She screamed hitting my back with her fist, I have to admit, it hurt, a lot.

"Sorry, no can do, I'm kidnapping you remember?"

We heard knock on the door and everything went still. With Maddie still on my shoulder, I moved closer to the door.

"Al, what are you-?"

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