Chapter 15: For the best.

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or just because it sounds bad or stupid)

Chapter 15: For the best.

Madeline's P.O.V.

"Well, ok, now that we got that out of the way..."

The atmosphere around us suddenly turn serious and I knew right away that we were going deep, and he wasn't going to let go.

"Maddie, if you really want to end everything now and you give me one good reason why, I won't ask anything and I'll let you be, and you won't ever have to see me again. So I ask you, do you really want to end everything?"


"Answer me Maddie, and answer honestly"

This is one of those moments where you wish the other person could hear your thoughts, but that isn't the case, I took a deep breath and spoke my mind. Honestly.


Just one little word that means the world right now. It's funny, I've only said two words in the whole conversation and I already regret saying it. This could change everything, since that little word, my answer, was the start of everything, I could've said yes but I wouldn't be able to cope with the guilt.

Al was looking at me with wide eyes, he looked happy for a second but he masked it.

"Then why did you want to end it before?"

"It was for the best"

"How?" His voice was harsh "How was breaking our promise 'for the best'? How was going with whatever my father said 'for the best'? How was any of that 'for the best'?" He said and tried to calm himself. "You were supposed to oppose so we could go on with our lives like always, but you... you just... gave up."

I stayed silent.

"'I understand'  that's what you said, and you were acting as if you saw all of it coming" His voice was filled with spite, I didn't like it.

'I did saw it coming'

"Almost as if it was expected, like you were just waiting for it to happen, like you wanted it to happen"

'It's not like that'

"Sure, you acted like you cared at that moment but I see you a few weeks later and you are a completely different person"

'I'm sorry'

"You were using me" It was a statement not a question, his tone was harsh but soft, if that makes any sense.

"Yes" My first answer.'but not the way you think'

He sighed and looked at me again.

"So you have been lying to me... he was right" He whispered the last part but I caught it.

"Yes'But I was trying to protect you' 

For some reason, I wanted to keep my head down, but I didn't, I kept my head held high as always, showing no weakness.


His tone of voice changed, and all his bravado banished. His eyes looked sad, his voice was soft, he was really broken, and it was all because of me. He was showing all his weaknesses, he was completely open.

'Because I had to, I wanted to protect you, to save you, and maybe you could save me in the process' I wanted to say that but instead I said nothing. 

He sighed "Do you still want to be friends Maddie?" It was almost a whisper, like it wasn't meant to be spoken. He looked straight at me, keeping a poker face, blank, as if seeing through me... in me.

He didn't let me answer, he just... walked away. He stopped in front of the door, he sighed again and turned around.

"I have plans, you were just the start of it." He was all strong now, no weaknesses. "I just came to know something," I realized what he really came here for. "And I think I got my answer" And this was it.

He smirked, he saw right through me, he knows.

"Get better soon, big things are happening, you better be ready, it's for the best" He turned around and opened the door.

"Catch you soon Maddie" With that, he left.

---- Time skip ----

"Hey, where's the kid?"

"He left," I said sinking more into the couch. Not looking at him.

"Seriously? After all that talk about protecting you and whatever. Leaving you unattended when you're hurt. Jeez, some people" I feel the couch sink more with his weight, I lean into him.

"You and I both know I can handle a few bruises"

"Yeah but it's still dangerous, even for you." He moves me so he can see my wounds. "You were losing too much blood, you could of-"

"-It doesn't matter if I die, it would only speed up the process"

"Don't talk like that" His tone was soft, I hated it. "I got the first aid kit, let me help you patch up your wounds" He kneeled in front of me.

"Lift your shirt" I did as told. "Oh god, this is going to take a while"

I'm back!!! I'm really really sorry I haven't updated in so long, but things got complicated and everything started piling up and it became too much. I was really doubting myself and I considered quitting, but in the end, I couldn't and I didn't want to. I wanted to continue no matter how much I doubted myself. I was actually going to publish this after the summer break was over because I didn't think I could make more updates for you before the break ended, but I just couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to continue even if it got in my time. I realize I made you wait a long time and I really appreciate that you are so patient with me and that you actually come back to read more, you have no idea how much that means to me. I really want to update more often and I'll certainly try, but with a whole new chapter of my life starting and new problems to deal with, I don't know how much time I can make. Still, I'm going to write as much as I can on my free time to try and get updates for you faster, after all without you this wouldn't be possible. I know that this A/N is about to be as long as the chapter but I wanted to take this opportunity to really thank you. I'm really grateful to all of you for taking the time to read my book and for your support, it really means the world to me. MerleRose, Lindsey9078, FaeEvermore, ScarlettSaige, you been here from the beginning if not from before, thank you for your comments and support, it really makes me happy. Well to wrap things up, I'm really sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. If you forgot anything or feel the need to refresh your memory don't hesitate to go back to previous chapters or ask me any questions you may have. I will also upload the next chapter soon.
Until then, love you.

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