Chapter 12: What a drama queen.

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or just because it sounds bad or stupid)

Chapter 12: What a drama queen.

Madeline's P.O.V.

"I can't let you live, you know too much, but you are right, I can't shoot you, so..." I let go of the gun and moved his hands in a way that he was pointing it to me.

"...You shoot"

His eyes slowly widened and his grip on the gun soften, as if was going to drop it, but he didn't. His grip on the gun tighten and he frowned.

"Why? Why do you want me to shoot you for? And if you couldn't shoot me, what makes you think I could shoot you? Uh" He said, I could see that he was shaken up, but I kept a straight face.

"I told you, I can't let you live, but I don't want to kill you either, and I'm dead anyways so I want you to kill me instead"

"I'm not going to kill you Maddie and no one is killing any one"

"You're wrong Al, no matter what happens I'm dead, so if I'm going to die by someone's hand, I rather it'll be yours"

"I'm not going to shoot you! First, I don't want you to die, second what you are saying doesn't make any sense, and third I still have a lot of questions you haven't answered"

"Al, why can't you understand? The more you know, the more in danger you are. If you shoot me-"

"If I shoot you, you die and I go to jail"

"No you won't, the police is not even gonna get involved, to them and the rest of the world, I died with my mom in a car accident when I was 4" He looked at me confused.

"Look Al, the longer you stay here, the more in danger you are, but if I die and you get out of here, when the guy wakes up he is going to think he killed me, he will get rid of any evidence and there will be no trace of you ever been here. When they find my body, and if they find it, they will also asume that he did it and go after him, you will be completely out of suspicion and you'll be safe-"

"-How do you know everything is going to happen like that? No, even if it does happen like that, there's no way that I will ever shoot you, ever!"

I could see he was starting to get angry and he just kept tightening his grip on the gun and pressing it more against me, even though his finger was nowhere near the trigger, he kept getting closer to me pressing more against the door.

"Why do you want to die so much!? Why do you want to die for!? Do you think you are going to accomplish something by dying!? Why, Maddie!? Why!?-"


"-No Maddie, you keep telling me to shoot you and get out, that is better that way, but how do you expect me to do that, uh!?-"


"How do you expect me to shoot you!?"

"Alistair! Behind you!"

The moment he looked back, he was hit in the head with a bat and fell on the floor unconscious.

"Al!" I immediately kneel down next to him and check if there was any evident damage, fortunately he was only unconscious because of the impact.

I turned around and gave the best 'demon' face I've done yet, and most people wet their pants when they see me mad, so I'd normally hate to be the other person, but this particular person is not afraid of me no matter what I do.

"What were you thinking Gavin!? Why in the world would you do that!? You could of have killed him!"

"Oh I'm sorry, but if you didn't notice he was pointing a gun at you Madeline, a gun! I thought he was trying to kill you! Sorry for trying to protect you! My mistake! I'll never do it again!" Gavin said, crossed his arms, huffed and turned around.

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