Chapter 11: Ohs, friends, acquaintances and agains.

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or just because it sounds bad or stupid)

Chapter 11: Ohs, friends, acquaintances and agains.

Alistair's P.O.V.

I hadn't put to much attention to where we were going but I did notice that this place was... not what I expected.

I've always thought that Maddie lived in a little colorful house where she and her family spent most of their time in, laughing, playing games, and making fun family memories, that's what families do, right?

True, I don't really know anything about how families work, because mine its just messed up, and I don't really know anything about Maddie's family either, she has never talk about them, ever, but I'm sure that they are just as nice as Maddie is, or at least I hope so.

I thought I was right, about her, about her family that I've never seen or met, about where she lived, about how she lived, but boy was I wrong. This place... was not what I thought.

I was standing in front of a building that definitely needed renovating, I really didn't mean to judge but this was just not right, I would have never expected Maddie to live in a place like this, heck I didn't even know a place like this existed!

The building wasn't large but it had two floors, it was colored gray and most of the out side windows were either broken or not there.

"Al, Al, Alistair! Would you stop staring and follow me? Jeez Are you listening?" I got so lost in looking at what was in front of me and asking questions in my head that I didn't notice she was talking to me.

"Um what? Yeah Yeah I am"

"Then follow me" Maddie said as she rolled her eyes and turned around to keep walking, I followed.

We went inside the building were we went inside a little hall, there were two doors on the left and two doors on the right, and judging by the space between the doors, the apartments weren't so small. At the end of the hall there were stairs going to the second floor.

Maddie kept walking down the hall until one of the doors opened and she stopped.

"Oh, Good morning Mrs. Alvarez, how are you doing today?" Maddie ask the nice looking old lady with a smile. I was surprised someone like her lived here, but then again,  Maddie lived here too.

"Oh, hello dear, I'm fine thanks for asking darling and how are you? Everything better I hope, Are you having trouble with your family again? 'What? Again?' Oh I hope not, that will be so sad" The lady closed the door to her apartment and turned around facing Maddie.

"Um, we are working on it" Was all she said, but she still said it with a smile, the same smile I use.

"Well that's good, oh you have guests with you, oh and is that young man again 'again?' What happened to him? Is he okay?" She walked over to me and looked at the guy I was carrying.

"Yeah he's fine, he just got to much to drink last night and fell asleep"

"Oh dear and you are bleeding again 'again?' What happend?" She turned to face Maddie again.

"I'm fine Mrs. Alvarez, I just had a few drinks myself and broke some glass and cut myself, that's all, there's nothing to worry about"

"Oh ok, and who might you be?" She turned to face me again.

'Gosh, this lady sure likes to ask questions and could she stop turning around so much and saying Oh in every sentence?'

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