Chapter 9: Really.

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(Sorry if there's bad spelling or bad english, this has not been edited)

Chapter 9: Really.

Alistair's P.O.V.


She turned around and I just hugged her, I hugged her as hard I could, I didn't wanted to let go, as if she would disappear if I did.

"Maddie, please don't go, I don't want you to, I'm not letting you"

I wanted to stay like that forever, just hugging her and never lose her again, but at this point I was sure that she was having trouble breathing.

"Al... Al, I can't breathe...!"

For some reason, even though I was right and she was having trouble breathing because me, I didn't let go, in fact, I just hold her tighter to me.

"Al... Alistair!... Are you... trying to kill me or something... I can't... breathe..!"

This time I listen and reluctantly let go but not completely, I put my hands on her shoulders to stable myself and to not let her go, so she wouldn't disappear.

"Sorry... but... Maddie... I... we... um " I tried to talk, but I couldn't put into words what I wanted to say, I was about to try again when Maddie stopped me.

"Al, I already know what you are going to say and I get it, but we already talked about this, I'm really busy right now, so please let me go" Maddie said as she looked everywhere but me, she moved her head from left to right as if she was looking for something.

"I'm not letting you go! I want you to hear me out and I also want an explanation from you, so I'm not going to let you go now"

"Al, there's nothing to talk about and I don't know what you want me to explain but I'm doing something important now so please let me go Al"

'Why is she acting like this?'

"I'm not letting go until we talk" I said wripping her shoulders a little harder so she wouldn't leave and disappear in the crowd again.

"Alistair! I don't have time for this, I'm in a really big hurry and I got to go! Now!" She screamed at me but this time she looked directly into my eyes.

This seemed serious, I had never seen Maddie like this before but I wasn't going to let her leave, this was maybe my last chance to talk to her ever again.

"Didn't you hear Maddie? I'm not letting you go until I talk to you, we just need to talk one time, one time before we end it for sure, ok?"

She seem to be thinking of what to say but she was still moving her head the way she did earlier and she seemed to be getting worried about something but I just didn't know about what. She sigh frustratingly and finally gave in.

"Fine! We will talk," I huge smile broke into my face and I let go of her shoulders "not today though," I frowned but she continued "I really  really can't talk at all right now, I'm in a really really big hurry and I really really got to go, I promise we'll talk, let's meet tomorrow at our usual place at the same time as always, ok? So see ya" She said and started running.

She turned around while she was running and yell to my direction "I promise I'll be there!" and she kept running.

I watch her as she ran away, once there was some distance between us, I saw how she stopped and looked around, the same way she did when I was talking to her, and she changed directions, so I lost track of her in the crowd.

I thought I should get back to the house before anybody found out I had sneak out, so I went home for the day, brought some food with me on the way, got to my room and I just waited in there for the hours to pass, thinking what I was actually going to do or say the next day even though I had a bad felling about the whole thing.

---- Time skip ----

It was morning, it was really early, it was so early that no one in the house was awake yet, it was so early that the sun couldn't be seen yet.

Even though it was that early I was so nervous to talk to Maddie that I couldn't sleep or do anything at all, all I could do was think about what was going to happen and what I was going to say, and I wondered if I was really going to go through with my plan and if she would accept.

I was also thinking about what my father told me about Maddie a while back, and I wondered if it could be true, if it was I really wish she would come clean about it and even if it isn't I still want an explanation.

'I wonder if this is really the end'

I had no way of knowing what was going to happen, I was so nervous,  I couldn't concentrate, my head was filling with all types of scenarios and all types of questions that were still unanswered and one of the questions sticked out the most.

'Why was Maddie acting so strange yesterday?'

I've never seen Maddie like that before, not ever in the 9 years that we spent together, I've never seen Maddie like that, not even close, which kept me wondering what was the reason behind it and I was planing on find out, that and so much more.

---- Time skip ----

I had sneaked out of the house alredy, it was still to early to meet Maddie but I couldn't wait any longer in the hell hole, I just couldn't stand one more minute standing there in my room with nothing to do and with so much stuff in mind.

I've been roaming around ever since I got out of the house, I haven't done much, just thinking and walking, that's all.

There weren't a lot of people around, there were only a few, but people were definitely starting to flood in and little by little there were more people around.

The sky was clear and since it was early in the morning, it looked orange from the sun, you could barely see the sun thought, you could only see a tip of it, but that radiated enough light to see clearly.

I was still walking when I saw a guy running, he was running in my direction so I stopped, he was running quite fast and he looked really worried.

'Maybe he's late for a date'

He run right pass me, and I saw something that made my eyes go wide, I barely saw it but I still did.

He had a gun.

But that wasn't everything, he had the gun in his hand and it had blood on the side.

I watched his running figure, not moving, not know what to do, and then another person ran pass me, but this time I recognized it.

It was Maddie, and I noticed something on her too, she had blood on her.

She was running after that guy, I didn't know why but I couldn't just let her do that, the guy had a gun! So I went after them.

I saw them take I turn and for a moment I couldn't see them, I took the same turn and saw them go into an alley were no one was around, I couldn't see them but I was about to follow when I heard struggling from the two and then...


A gunshot...

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