The Queen Bee

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I was already munching on some of the Skittles as we went, Jay jogging slowly in front of me. I had offered him some severally during the walk but he had refused. We went further down the road and the huge school was in sight with the banner: 'Poseidon High.'
Whoever ran this place was probably a fan of Percy Jackson. The concrete tridents, water fountain, everything.
"Looks like we'll be having lots of fan fiction here..." Jay snickered to me.
I blushed. I was the real geek between the two of us.
Everyone who walked in looked extremely happy to be here. High school holds a lot of the best experiences we can ever have.
What was that Gandhi said? "Skittles and M&Ms make the world better?" No, that was me.
Jay stopped jogging when we reached a poster. He just stood there, gaping.
"Amber, do you know who this is?"
I had no idea. It looked like a bearded weirdo in polo who was on a poster for wanted criminals.
"This is Coach Evans!"
I was even more confused. I gave him a look to say 'what do you mean?'
He face palmed at my look and stated matter of factly, "The most accomplished coach in town works here!"
I was trying to be happy for him but if this coach was so accomplished, that probably meant gym, gym and more gym.
"Yay!" I said sarcastically, pumping my fist into the air involuntarily.
We walked into the hallway where the lockers were. With the stroke of luck we usually had, I expected Jay's locker to be next to mine. It wasn't. In fact, it was miles away from mine. Figuratively speaking, that is.
When he saw the look of my face, Jay shrugged as if to say 'what can we do?' He was probably trying to put me at ease but he sure as Poseidon wasn't.
Just then, someone walked up to us, a girl. She was twirling her blonde hair and there was acne on her left cheek. There was this sass about her.
"Hi, I'm Sharon," she said confidently.
Jay looked at me, confused. That was the same look I was giving him.
"Em, hey, Sharon," Jay forced himself.
"Are you also new here?" I asked, trying to smile.
Jay and I were only used to one another. We didn't want that to change.
She nodded.
"Yeah, want me to show you around?" She offered. That was pretty weird since she said she was new too.
I lied, "Em, I'm sorry. But, I need to... sort my books." I nodded towards Jay and stepped on his foot.
He probably didn't get the message because the next thing he said was, "Sure, Sharon."
They went off together and Jay didn't even look back to wave at me like he always did.
I sighed and walked in the opposite direction, now I really felt like sorting my books.

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