I'm The Girl

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My life was sorting itself out. I hadn't seen Jay since the night he saved me, but that experience had made Dwayne and I closer. He knew his limits now, and he was aware that I wasn't a cheap girl who would sell herself off for a little fun. Things were better.
"Amber Bloom, put the ball into the hoop," the gym teacher called.
I was smiling, oblivious to the world around me.
"Bloom," he said firmly, thrusting me out of my utopia.
"Yeah, Coach?"
He sighed and all the other kids snickered.
"Put the ball. Into the hoop," he ordered, taking his time as though he were explaining the alphabet to a little kid.
I smirked, "Oh."
I released the ball effortlessly and it flew right through the hoop.
********* ~~~~~*********~~~~~
I was fiddling with my phone and giggling. I felt like a teenage girl again, Dwayne and I had been texting for almost an hour already. It made me nearly forget the other guy in my life. Jay. I hadn't seen him since that night and we lived right next to each other!
I sighed and sat up, dropping the phone. I glanced at the clock, it was 1:33am. I was losing sleep over Dwayne, I laughed at the thought.
I fell back onto the bed to finally sleep and I lay there for a while, grinning to myself before my eyes shut delicately and lunged me into more bliss. Things could be perfect after all.
Guess not.
The next day was a Saturday and I decided I would spend it outdoors. I didn't exactly know what to do so I got Dwayne to tag along, we'd have bonding time and I would finally face society again.
"Thanks for bringing me along for this," he said, an appreciative smirk on his face.
I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek.
"I'd bring you along for anything."
He grinned.
"Except my weird book club sessions."
He arched his brows, "Book club?"
I punched his shoulder, "Shut up!"
Then we both started laughing and he put his hand through my hair, fiddling with each strand. I was truly at peace.
We had spent three hours together already, from 11am to 2pm and it didn't feel any different from when we just started. Conversation came easy, and the dynamic was really dynamic.
"You know something," he started, putting his lip to the cold metallic edge of his diet coke can.
I smiled, "What?"
He sighed and said,"I feel happy that Jay stopped me the other day."
I pouted, still a sore spot.
"I feel he stopped me from losing the most amazing thing I'd ever be able to have," he sighed again.
Jay. I needed to talk to him. He had saved my innocence. I had to talk to him.
"I don't know about being the most amazing thing, but, he gave us a chance. Not just you," I finally said.
He nodded and smiled, and I forced one too.
After meeting up with Dwayne, I decided to go over to Jay's. He was the reason I was even still talking to Dwayne.
I strolled right across to his house and knocked on the door. His mom opened the door and I grinned at her.
"Can I come in?" I asked, only focusing on the reason I came here.
"Silly Amber, this house is yours too," she said, a tinge of humor riding her words.
I laughed forcibly and walked in. Jay was laying down on the sofa, his arms crossed and his eyes shut. His hair was much messier than I remembered, his bangs flew wildly across his face. His chest was heftier too. He looked like he had three birthdays since the last time I met him.
"Ahem," his mom tried to gain his attention.
He opened his eyes and the sea blue pupils looked like a chilling and scolding void of nothingness. They dared me to look into them. There was this darkness about Jay. Almost grim.
"Hi," I said when I could no longer travel through his eyes.
He sighed and sat up before waving at me.
His mom took a seat and he got up. Standing just inches away from me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along upstairs, to his room.
He shoved the door open and allowed me go in first. I had no reason to be scared, this was Jay. Was it Jay?
We both stood staring at each other then he motioned for me to sit at the edge of his bed, and I obliged.
"I won't be here long... "
He raised a finger, and I guessed he meant I should get straight to the point.
"Okay. I just wanted to say thanks for saving me the other night, I deeply appreciate it," I said, pouting immediately after.
He grabbed a can from his bedside table and popped it open. This wasn't the Jay I was used to, he rarely took soft drinks.
He poured almost half of it into his mouth at once then stared at me hard. I could feel him peering into my soul.
"Is that all? Cause I don't have all day."
I felt like I was shot at. This definitely wasn't my Jay. I decided to react.
"I'm here to say thank you for you helping me and you're acting like a stuck-up egotist over it!"
He chuckled darkly, "I would have done it for anyone..."
I cut him short,"You wouldn't have kissed anyone."
He stared at me,"Kissed?"
I sighed.
"I don't remember kissing anyone."
Now he was acting like the whole the thing never happened?!
"I'm not anyone Jay, I'm Amber."
He bit his lip and dropped the can on the table.
"I do not remember kissing you."
A single tear fell from my eye, "I thought after that, we'd be better. Clearly not."
I left the room with him standing dead center, staring at the ground with his arms crossed.

Heyyy. So Jay isn't dead. He could still be dead tho, this doesn't feel like real Jay, an imposter maybe? Idk, just the writer. I'm running out of people to devote this thing to, like seriously. Anyway, I guess I'll dedicate this chapter to @rxndomcandie, my mentor, tho she doesn't know it :) Does it have to be mutual awareness? Anyway, she's an inspiration with her writing, anytime I read her work I'm like, this is amazing. We're in the same class and she can do this? Where was I when all this was happening. But really, her works are a guide to me, and I've picked up many things from them. Keep inspiring.

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