There's Two Of Em?

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"All this time, I thought he admired me for who I was, but really, he was just some boyfriend for hire?" I said, walking briskly, trying to avoid Jay catching up with me.
He kept following.
"Amber, it was in your best interest, I didn't mean to."
I turned rapidly and eyed him carefully, "My best interest? Jay you only did this for you."
He stopped and started breathing heavily.
"You did all of it for you. So don't you dare turn it on me."
I walked away but this time he didn't follow me.
He just threw his hands in the air flaccidly I said, "Amber, I'm sorry."
This is what happens when every aspect of your life is built on someone else, when they're not around you, boredom strikes.
I fiddled with my fingers and threw my feet up and down in the air, twisting my hair at intervals like I did when I was uneasy.
A light flashing on my bedside table woke me up. At closer inspection, I realized it was my phone.
I picked it up and read the Caller ID. DWAYNE. I rejected the call and dropped the phone, this time not out of anger, but embarrassment. He played my emotions. Not me, at a point I was even more vulnerable to him than I was to Jay. All the chemistry I thought we had only existed in rocket science. For miles and miles, there wasn't any...
The screen flashed again and I picked up the phone, it wasn't a call. I flicked down the notifications tab and read the text carefully.
Your mom won't let me in
I frowned, he was here? It struck me that I couldn't exactly ignore him and tell him to go back home. He had made the smartest play yet in this hateful little three-way game of chess.
I got up reluctantly, pulled on a robe and dropped my phone on the table before running down stairs. My mother was laying across the sofa, flipping through everything on TV and ignoring Dwayne. Brutal.
I waved at her as I made my way to the door and she smiled. I opened the door slowly, thinking I would die of shock if his face came back in one flash, I had to see every beautiful little bit individually.
He waved.
"Can I come in?"
I inclined my head at him and smiled falsely, "No, but I can come out."
I walked out and shut the door after flipping on the porch light.
He flashed a smile.
I didn't,"You know, I would like this to be done quickly, I kinda have a lot of nothing to do."
He put his hand through his hair.
"First off, Jay and I met on the first day of school and we hit it off perfectly."
I smirked. More lies?
"Secondly, I don't want you to think everything was a ploy, it wasn't."
I frowned, "What are you trying to say?"
He pressed two fingers to his forehead. Even he wasn't ready for what he was going to say next.
"Yeah, at first, he was for him. Later, it was for me."
He wasn't making this any clearer.
"Amber, I started it off, trying to help Jay out, and I ended up falling for you. "
I stood still. Could I believe him? He lied right to my face for weeks.
"You fell when exactly?" I asked, skepticism in my voice.
"That other day, at that party."
Made sense. Jay wouldn't walk in and attack his minion. But then it didn't. He played me right into his hands didn't he? Anything Dwayne did that night, Jay would have to be held responsible. He delivered me in expensive gift wrapping and a gold ribbon to a random boy.
Hey, here's my best friend. You can do literally anything you want to her.
Anything I had with Dwayne right now, was realer than Jay.
I found myself being swayed to forgive Dwayne but not Jay.
"Where were you headed?"
He looked confused.
"The plane. Where were you headed?"
"Oh, that. My dad wanted me to come live with him. I actually live alone, Amber. My parents weren't out anywhere."
Another lie?
"Why did you hide this from me?"
"Because it isn't an aspect of my life I'm proud about. You all expect me to be Dwayne, Mr.Perfect and life goals. But actually, I don't have what's most important, family."
The truth hurt, even when I was on the receiving end.
I jumped at him and hugged him tight, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Hold. Me."
And he did.

Yay two updates in less than twelve hours. I hastened the intended date for this one again, because of none other than @tomkclin lol😅 She'll understand why I wrote it😊 For all the other amazing people in my life, I hope you like it😉

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