My Captain America

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It suddenly made sense... The way I so badly wanted to keep Jay away from Sharon. It all made sense now. I loved Jay. The night after I realized, I didn't sleep. I lay on my bed, sobbing as I looked at the pink framed picture of Jay and I in the sixth grade. I was head girl and he was sports prefect.
The next morning, I got up, determined to forget yesterday. I washed and got dressed in a pink hoodie with grey ripped jeans. I pulled on a pair of Kobe Xs and bolted down the stairs to the living room. I got up early so I could sneak in some TV time.
The only show I was interested in was Keeping With The Kardashians. I'm not a stalker or anything but there's something about celebrity exposés that I had to love.
Eventually, I got bored and turned off the TV. Jay arrived just then, rapping on the door madly. I turned off the light in the front porch as it was daytime already and opened the door for Jay to walk in.
He strutted in hurriedly and left me shutting the door anxiously. He was probably doing that speed walking thing again.
He took a seat on the sofa and I followed, sitting adjacent to him.
"Amber, I have something important to tell you."
I nodded.
"Firstly, I'm sorry. I understand why you would get a little on edge about me and the others."
Did he know? Was he about to?
"It's cool."
"Thanks. Secondly, I'm going out with Sharon." He rushed the sentence.
My jaw dropped to the ground. What?
"I don't know, it just kinda happened. And it's good."
My world spun around me. My face reddened. I was hyperventilating.
I had no right to be mad because I never approached him but I couldn't resist the urge to knock on the glass table.
I calmed down. "I'm happy for you."
After Jay told me about he and Sharon, we hadn't seen much of one another. He probably thought telling me was a license to ditch me. But the thing was, I didn't want to see him either. I was nervous around him. Knowing about he and Sharon had made our best friendship weird.
So after then, I avoided him. He stuck with Sharon and I tried meeting new people.
The next morning, I was rushing to my locker when I ran into someone, knocking myself over. I looked up to see a boy with rippling muscles and a jawline that could cut diamonds.
"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out.
He grinned and reached for my hand. I grabbed his and he effortlessly pulled me up. Then, he picked up all my books for me.
"It's okay."
I nodded slowly, staring at his ombrè black and blonde hair.
"I'm Dwayne."
My eyes widened as they met his abdominals. My body was over heating, my heart was doing backflips. Was this normal?
"Em, mind if I ask yours?"
"Amber, Amber." I blurted out sharply, still staring at his abdominals and evading his eyes.
He waved at my face, prompting me to look up. When I did, I met his sea blue eyes. When I say sea blue, I mean they were blue and looked like the sea. Calm. Calculated.
"You need lemonade or something? You look a little pale. It's on me."
I was pale. And did he just offer to buy me lemonade?
"Sure, thanks."
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along to the lemonade stand outside the school. Everyone was staring at us. They were probably wondering what the god of beauty was doing with me. I was wondering too. Sure, I was relatively beautiful, but no one expected to see Dwayne with any girl, probably not even freaking Selena Gomez!
A few sugar-filled glasses of lemonade later and I had my color back.
"Thank you so much." I said.
He smiled. "It's okay."
After an awkward silence he shrugged, "Do you wanna go out some time? We could see the new Civil War movie."
I gasped. I had really wanted to see that movie, I loved Captain America. I really loved Captain America, and not only seeing the movie but seeing it with a Greek god!?
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" I blurted out, jumping and landing on my toes.
He laughed. "Pick you up at six?"
My excitement made me ignore the fact that he didn't know where I lived. I could probably tell him after school.
I nodded hurriedly, my eyes lit up in joy.

Hehe. I enjoyed writing this chapter and working the inner fan girl within Amber. This was my first scene like this but it still felt natural to write. <Clears throat> Yeah, so vote and comment. What do you think of Dwayne? Do you think he and Amber have a chance?

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