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I didn't want to wake up. When I shut my eyes last night, I let the bliss sweep me into an imaginary land where life was perfect. But I had to come back eventually. My head ached, each vein throbbing with my every breath. Sweat beaded my forehead and coolness rocked my body.
I forced myself to sit up and I put my palms over my face. Dwayne. St the thought of his name my heart drummed violently against my chest. I forced a glance at the bunny clock on my bedside table. The clock that would have meant nothing if he hadn't saved me. My innocence would have been gone forever in a Crimson wave of lust. Dwayne wasn't perfect after all.
The time was 8:30, my brain told me to get up and wash but my body screamed defiance. I knew too, if I got up, my energy might not keep me up.
I forced myself off my bed and made for my door, staggering and twitching uncontrollably. My breath was humid, my throat dry. When I got home last night, my mom asked no questions. Jay had brought me home, no explanation. I knew that today, I would have to answer to her.
I took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom and stared at my reflection on the mirror coated by condensed steam. My appearance gave no respite. My hair was all over my face and my eyes emotionless. My lips were in a curt curve.
I washed quickly and hurried downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen.
"Morning mom," I called.
She turned to look at me and grinned, albeit forced.
"Amber, how'd you sleep?"
I wanted to tell her I had nightmares of losing my innocence, I wanted to tell her I didn't dream the sweet, Disney inspired dreams of used to before. I had dark dreams, edgy dreams, Fifty Shades-esque. I shook violently as I remembered.
But I was tired of putting up a strong facade, "I slept terribly."
She dropped the crucible and napkin in her hand on the edge of the sink.
"Amber dear, what's wrong."
She pulled me along to the living room and I told her everything.
"I don't think I could ever look him in the eye again," I concluded.
She pouted, motherly wisdom written all over her expression.
"How do you feel now?" she asked.
I wanted to lie, but my heart lunged me into the truth, "I feel terrible, tainted. I'm no longer mom's little girl."
Tears were welling up in her eyes but she swept them away.
"Amber, you always will be my little girl. Nothing anyone ever does to you can change that."
I hugged her and rested my head on her shoulder.
"So, Dwayne?"
I had made my mind up, "I never want to talk to him again."
She nodded, understanding.
I slept through the afternoon before waking up and deciding to go downstairs and watch some TV.
I was interrupted by knocks.
My mom looked at me, her expression saying we're not expecting anyone.
I hoped it was Jay.
My mother opened the door glanced through then shut it, locking and bolting everything possible.
"What's wrong?"
She looked at me, "Him."
The determination I had to ignore Dwayne and never talk to him again was gone. My heart had softened. The flame of frustration had died out. I wanted to talk to my assaulter.
"Mom, open the door," I said, mustering confidence.
She gave me a confused look.
"This is the boy who almost... "
I cut in,"Mom, it's fine. I need to talk to him. It's the only way I can ever feel normal again."
She bit her lip.
She opened the door and I walked out. She didn't want to shut it. I nudged her to.
"Hey," he said, regret on his lips.
I crossed my arms, "Hi."
He was fiddling with his fingers.
"Amber, I want to say I'm really sorry about yesterday."
I nodded, "I know you are."
That wasn't a lie. Why wouldn't he be sorry.
He shook his head,"No you don't, Amber you're an amazing girl. You're beautiful, talented, and you have a good heart."
Heat warmed my cheeks. Was I blushing? He assaulted me!
"I guess I was just overcome by how amazing you are and I, lost it."
Now he was blushing.
"It's hard you know, having an extremely beautiful person in front of you and keeping control. It was a stupid thing to do, and it was based on impulse, not thought."
He was being sincere. He looked like he meant every word.
"I'm used to having things my way. No girl in school can say no to me. I thought I was irresistible. But, Amber you're special. You aren't like the other girls."
He sighed.
"When you said no, I thought you didn't mean it. But your heart was in the right place. It was wrong of me to force myself on you."
I understood him.
"It's okay. I'm just not ready for that kind of thing. You must think I'm some uptight girl who doesn't know how to have fun," I said, humor in my voice.
He shook his head, "No. You're an amazing girl who knows her worth."
I blushed hotly and I found my heart doing back flips for this boy again. The butterflies were back from their migration.
He brought his hand to mine and shook it before turning to leave. I pulled him back and threw myself at him, pulling him into an emotional hug, he put his arms around me and the familiar, healthy relationship was there.
"Thank you, Dwayne," I said, tears in my eyes.
He nodded and wiped my tears away before finally leaving. I watched him until he was off the horizon then I turned to go back in.
Before my mom even asked, I said, "It went as well as it could."

Sigh, that was tough. Making the forgiveness natural and not promoting viewing females as tools. I tried my best though. @tomkclin who always liked Dwayne and was devastated by his actions, I found a way to redeem him. This chapter is dedicated to her, my favorite low-key reader lol. So, we didn't see Jay? Oops, I forgot to include him in this chapter. Probably downscaled to a peripheral chapter, I don't know. It's the book's choice, I'm just writing what it tells me to so....

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