Songs Of Innocence

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I forgave, but I never forgot. Was I wrong? I never knew what Dwayne could do next. His aura was so entrancing, I felt like he could do whatever he wanted to me.
You know your worth
I knew my worth, but with someone like Dwayne, did I have a say? Wasn't everything on his own terms? Memories of that night appeared in my mind again.
I concluded that I could never feel safe again around Dwayne. If he decided he wanted me to go further, he could make me. If he felt like having me twist and bend and just sit there reveling in his influence, he could.
I had to end it one way or another.
I got up from my bed and picked up my phone, flicking through my contacts. I thought about calling Dwayne, then I thought about asking Jay to come along, but he had his own life too. This had to be all me.
"You okay?" a voice yelled, and I turned off my phone's display on reflex.
I looked outside my window and saw Jay leaning out of his.
"You look lost in thought."
I tried to be cordial so he wouldn't notice anything.
"Gosh you can tell that all the way from there?"
He chuckled, "You're my best friend. I can read your mind."
I laughed, for real,"I guess I should call you Professor X now."
He looked up, playfully thinking about it,"How about best friend to the most beautiful girl in the world X."
I blushed,"No one wants to say a name that long."
He arched a brow, "Oh yeah?"
He sighed, "So, are you okay?"
I arched my head and pouted, "Aww, you care."
He rolled his eyes,"Working my heart."
I threw my head back and laughed," Yeah, I'm fine."
He stared.
"What? I said I'm okay."
"You can't lie to me Amber, even if you wanted to. I'm too important to you."
What was the harm in telling?
"Working my heart," I repeated his words.
"You really want me to scream my secret out loud across the lawn?"
He laughed, "If the shoe fits."
"Pick up your phone, smart-ass."
He looked surprised to see me calling. He stared at me then rolled his eyes before answering,"Hi?"
I replied, "Hi."
"I'm thinking about breaking up with Dwayne."
He looked at me,"Doesn't sound to me like there's a lot of thinking going on. You already have your mind made up."
The accuracy with which he read me pierced my thought bubbles instantly. I had to recollect what I was going to say next.
"Yeah, could you come with?"
"No, that wouldn't help. It's between you and him. If I came along, he could take it personally."
That stung.
Before, it was an option I didn't want to choose, now, it was an option I didn't have.
"Okay. Thanks."
I hung up and we stared at each other for a while.
Hey, do you wanna meet up at the pier? - Dwayne
Speak of the amazingly beautiful and stunning angel.
This was my chance.
Yeah - Dwayne
I took a last glance at Jay before taking off.

There weren't many people there. The pier wasn't really big and I found Dwayne pretty quickly.
"Hi," I called from behind him.
He put down the glass he was holding and looked back at me before getting up and planting a kiss on my forehead and hugging me very loosely.
He motioned to a more open area where you could see the neon lights flash across the sea and stars on the horizon. I followed him there.
I looked down and felt the scalding heat of his stare on me for a few seconds. I mustered confidence.
"Dwayne, I have something to tell... " he cut me short by raising his hand up.
"Beautiful, I have something to sing you."
I was taken aback. Suddenly, my person was encompassed by light and I looked up to see a spotlight facing me.
I opened up my palm and clenched it. On opening it again, I saw red petals, I looked up again and saw more red petals being blown down from a beam above us. He picked up an acoustic guitar I didn't even notice was there before.
"I was afraid to love, then I found you. I had nothing to lose and all to give, heartbreak was something I felt immune to. But your touch dissipated my thoughts and I fell... " he started, singing in the most beautiful voice I had ever heard,"Thank God, thank God I found you, every second away from you is a second lost. And I'm glad to be vulnerable to your touch."
My body was overheating. I felt like a One Direction fangirl, only difference, I actually met my Harry Styles.
"Amber, I don't want you to be afraid of me. I'm not a man of Steel. I feel just as vulnerable to you as you are to me," he said, emphasizing each word.
I started crying and he pulled me close, hugging me. He gave the person working the lighting and the petals a thumbs up. I cried more and he stroked my hair, placing a kiss on my neck.
It was cliché, but wasn't everything?
Forgive... Never forget... And hope something makes you

Heyyy guys. Lol I enjoyed writing the dynamic between Jay and Amber at the beginning, I also had fun writing the short song. Though I wrote it in two minutes, but whatever. Did the song make any sense? Anyway, @tomkclin, I fast tracked this because you're #Team Dwayne, and you never want him on Amber's bad side lol

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