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Hey guys here is the second chapter.
Hope you all like it.
And just a reminder...I am a student so my updates are not frequent...if I am free then I will definately update but if that's not the case then I might not be able to update as frequently.

That's her room in the media...

Anyway Enjoy!


That's the word that keep roaming in my head. The castle was so beautiful. When you enter the gates, you are surrounded by all kind of flowers of various colours. There is a gravel path leading us to the front door which was as huge as the Gaint's from the story of Jack and the gaint slayer.

Vanessa. His sister was the total opposite of her brother. She was kind, sweet and polite, whereas he was unkind, rude and arrogant.

Anyways, when Nessa opened the door I was sure my mouth was hanging open. If I thought that the outside was beautiful, I just don't know how to describe the inside of the castle.

It was a mixute of royality and modernity. There were numerous awards and photos of the previous kings and queens. There was also  a plasma TV, a huge refrigerator in the kitchen and more stuff like that.

"EMMA!" I snapped out of my trance and saw Nessa waving her hands in the air like a crazy mad woman.

"I have been calling your name from the last 5 minutes and you were frozen with your mouth hanging open like a venus fly trap."

At her words I quickly shut my mouth close and playfully glared at her with my eyes narrowed into slits.

She smiled sheepishly at me and continued "Anyways, Cabby just mind-linked me basically odered me to take you to your room because it's pretty late."

And sure it was. The sky outside was dark meaning it would be around 8 or 9 in the evening and  I realized that I was extremely tired too.

"Well I am surprised to know that your brother even remembered he has a mate." I said quietly and then continued, "Anyway I will retire to my room cause I am pretty exhausted, and please just do me one more favour, can you please lend me some of your clothes cause your brother dragged me here and I didn't have time to pack." I asked her.

"Of course. You don't have to explain. You are now a sister to me." She said and it warmed my heart to know that there would be someone who cares for me and who wouldn't just leave me in front of castle and run away like a coward.

As I was thinking I didn't even realized that we were in front of a brown wooden door and Nessa even brought me some clothes.

"Thank you Nessa."

"Oh! No problem at all." She said and led me to another wooden door. She opened it and I was surprised to see that it looked modern to me with a queen sized bed, a walk in closet, a large bathroom with a tub and shower, and two sinks, and my own personal refrigerator. Oh, I love the person who designed it. "You know Caleb designed it personally for his mate." Nessa said. Or maybe I don't love the person. I just despise him greatly.

She left me alone for sometime and I was thankful for it.

**After a few hours**

I just got out of the shower and entered the room in my towel to see a bra and an underwear laid on my bed. Just as I was about to drop my towel, the door of my bedroom banged open.

Startled, I turned around to see Caleb standing with a bag in his hand. He stared at me with his jaw clenched and his blue eyes darken with lust and desire.

Just by looking in his eyes my heart quickens and my breath comes in pants.

Then his eyes started to trail downward to my lips, neck, shoulder, breasts, thighs and my legs. Just then I heard him growl and shivered at the sound. I just realized that I was standing in just a towel.


I quickly backed up and said "Eyes up here."

He quickly looked towards me with disgusted eyes and it hurt. I don't know why but it did. I covered my face from showing any emotions.

"I think you have a little drool on there. Anyways, what are you doing here?" I ask rudely.

"Just came to give you this and you have to come to dinner in half an hour." He said and threw the bag on the bed and turned around."And wear something appropriate. Try not to look like a hooker or a slut." He said with disgust in his eyes and voice and walked out of the door slamming it behind him.

When I was finally able to absorb what he said. I was on the verge of crying, even after telling myself not to a rouge rear slipped and landed on the carpet covered floor.

Just one thought was going through my mind.

What sins did I perform to get punished like that?

Phew! So here it is...2 chapter is up!

Hope you like it and if you do





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