Chapter -5

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I know I's been too long since I updated...around two weeks...I am very sorry but my school is starting soon so I had to complete all my project and my tution also started sorry again.'s the 5th chapter . Hope you like it.

And in the media is...

Behati Prinsolo Levine as Vanessa

I woke up to someone shaking me eyelids were heavy so after about 5 or 6 tries I finally opened them to see a man about my age with glasses and lovely hair smiling at me...I was a little surprised so I looked around and saw 2 maids with a nurse along with a worried looking Vanessa...and a straight face Caleb....

I was so confused so I look at Nessa and asked "Who are these people and what happened....? You look a little stressed Nessa what happened?"

"Oh Em I was so worried about you....after you were gone from the dinner I haven't seen you I came to check up on you around 1'o clock the next day but you still didn't wake up...I was so scared I thought-

"Hey hey hey calm down...nothing happened I am fine and please don't cry ..." I said soothing her.

After a cup of water she finally calmed down.

All the while Caleb neither uttered a word nor even looked at me once...

Am I that disgusting that he can't even look at me?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the handsome doctor asked me something..

"Everything is fine you were just in deep slumber but when I checked you and I found some..anti depressant pills in your blood..did you take them ? He asked in a cautious tone..

No no no no. They can't know about the pills...if they knew they will ask me and I don't want them to know and Caleb would be more disgusted from now on...

But I can't even lie about my health...

"Umm...yeah I did..uh...i..ha.have been taking them from the last 4 years.." I said with strutting

Even the doctor looked shocked but he composed himself and said
"I suggest you should stop taking them...they are very could have die-"

I heard a low growl from beside me where Caleb is...

"I am sorry doctor but I can't..."

He started to say something but was cut off when Caleb thanked him and asked Vanessa to escort the doctor out.

Vanessa walked out but not before asking me to take care of myself and gave a warming smile.

When they were gone Caleb dismissed the maids with a flick of his hand.

Now we both were alone in the room and the atmosphere seemed to thicken with tension....but he broke it with a question I never want to answer..."why?"

I knew what he was asking but I played dumb and replied "why what?"
A vein seemed to Reich on his forehead and he replied in a strained voice.. "Dont play with me know what I am talking about....why were you taking those pills for the last 4 years..?"

I turned my head away from him as my eyes filled up with tears thinking about those days...

"Dont act as if you care about me have done nothing but hurt me so don't even think that I am gonna share anything with you..not my past..nitmy present and at which pace we are going I don't think we will ever share our future..."

After five long mins of deathly silence I turned my head towards him and for the first time ever I saw raw emotion in his many of them...but the most stood out were hurt and longing.

I felt so bad that I was about to apologize but thought...what about the Times he had hurt me? When I felt those same emotions?
So I turned my head away from him and starred out of the window.

Not even a min after I heard the loud bang of my bedroom door indicating that he has left.

As a single tear escaped my eyes more of them followed and then I was full on sobbing...because of my mother ...because of Aaron...because of my life and finally because of Caleb...because after Araon I just wished for a mate who can love Me and who can heal me..cause somewhere in my heart I am starting to fall for him...I know it's early but that is what mates are.....

With all theae thoughts in my mind I fell into a deep slumber.

And that night I dreamt of Caleb and me with a happy life....

Well as they say...The things you want to come true are the thing you dream about.........


I know my all chapters are short but what can I do....I tried so hard to stretch them but I am not able to do it....Even my bestie said the same thing...I apologize for it.

Anyway let me know what you think.





Luv u guys/girls.....

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