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"We are so going to win!"
"What are we going to win Naruko?" A young Konohamaru asked a 13 year old Naruko.

She raised her hand and looked at him with a mad woman smile, she was being crazy again. Naruko only went crazy on filler chapters since this is one, Naruko will unleash random.

"We are going to beat Teme in a ramen contest!"
"Naruko you always have to drag me in your shenanigans." Sasuke said as Naruko fumed the  punched him into a tree.

"On the left we have Naruko Uzumaki!"
"On my right side we have Sasuke Uchiha!" Ino said and earned glares from the two rivals.

Three hours passed, Thirty eight bowels of ramen were stacked and still piling, Sasuke was disgusted he stared at Naruko wide eyed. She kept eating ramen but her body still stayed the same, she wiped her mouth with a napkin and let a rip of her roar I mean burp.

"Naruko Uzumaki wins again 50 bowls to Sasu-kun having 20 bowls what a shame to men." Sakura said and Naruko cheered jumping around her anime crying face on.

"What a youthful pair."
"I see them married." Kakashi said and got an earful from the great Sasuke fan girls.


Lol I love fillers they make me happy and random.

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