Chapter 20

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Naruko had to go in as a normal woman, a mother which she genuinely was. When they reached the boarders of Konoha about two days later, it was raining and very cold.

Sasuke was watching from a tree, Naruko was nearing the Konoha gates. All the ninja behind her followed and were able to breach the west gate since they still used her seals.

Sakura landed down on the floors of Konoha after 3 years, she looked around her eyes were glossy. She had a sense of longing, Sakura turned around and looked at Sai land beside her followed by Naruto.

"Where is Sasuke?"

"He went to get Naru through the boarders, since their daughter already have his last name, I doubt they'll allow them easily." Sai said standing, Sakura stared with wide green eyes.

"Wait so Ai isn't Ai Uzumaki, she's Ai Uchiha?" Sakura asked, Naruto nodded slowly, they placed in their earpieces.

"I need you guys to spread out and get nearer to the Hokage tower, I'm roundinh up the last of the information we need." Sasuke said in their earpieces, Naruto leaped away.

Sai looked at Sakura with his eyes on the pink haired girl, he looked ahead.

"You should stop being insecure." He mumbled and leaped away, Sakura shook her head and leaped away.

Sasuke pulled his cloak hoodie off when Kiba ran towards him, Kiba looked around and handed a scroll to him. Sasuke opened it and stared at the new map, he nodded and Kiba left with Akamaru.

Naruko was in a hotel with Ai, she was speaking to her blood clones who were guarding the young girl. Naruko placed a hand on Ai's cheek and smiled.

She turned around to look at Sasuke he was leaning against a wall his arms crossed. He placed his black mask on that similar to Kakashi's, she smiled at Ai who was sitting on the floor.

No tears were in her eyes, instead she had them closed and was listening to her parents speaking.

It was now nightfall, Naruko was spinning her swords in her hands while walking behind Sasuke.

Ai opened her eyes that were glowing a deadly red, she gripped her ankle length skirt hard.

Sakura was walking like a normal person in Konoha, she ignored all the stares she got. She looked up when she saw two black blurs pass above her, she smiled and walked away quickly.

Naruto was smiling when Naruko landed before him, she pulled at her black fingerless gloves and walked passed him. He walked with her, guards ran out.

"Oi stop there." A man yelled, Naruko pulled out kunai from her thigh pouches.

Naruto stared his eyes on the man before him, he pulled his kunai from his pouch. Naruko ran fast her black platform wedges hitting the floor hard, she leaped up and flipped throwing the kunai at her targets. Most of them fell down screaming at the burning poison, the other's blocked them.

Naruko landed and smiled standing upright, Naruto and his clones were running at his opponents. Naruto leaped at them and the clones took down some men, Naruto cursed when he was kicked back by the leader of the group.

Naruto breathed hard staring at the Uchiha woman staring at him, her black hair blew in the wind. She ran fast and he moved back, he stood up and blocked her knee butt.

Naruko was kicking and punching at the men, one crouched over, she used him as a balance and spun around another kicking two men down. She back flipped and stared at the men who blocked the entrance to the Hokage Tower.

Naruto back flipped to her side, they took new stances their backs on each other. The two twins seperated, Naruko pulled out her swords and knee butted a man down. He fell back his hands on his face, she looked at the entrance.

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