Chapter 11

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Naruko was staring at the moon standing on a roof, her hair was blowing back as she listened to the two ninja beneath her argue. She was now back in her normal state, she looked to the side to stare at Kakashi who was staring at the moon. Naruko looked down her blue eyes gleaming.

"You did good coming here your safe now, since Danzo died."
"They want me dead, but Uchiha did me a favour."
"They want you insane, just be ready if they call a war." Kakashi said as the wind blew again, Naruko smiled at him.

"Thank you for the help."
"Your welcome, your Anbu actual Anbu will be ready to protect you."
"Thank you sensei." Naruko said her smile came on, she looked again to find Kakashi gone.

Naruko held her baby in her arms, the small child was staring with blue gleaming eyes at her mother. She reached out her small hands, earning a kiss from the blonde woman. Naruko felt her heart skip a beat as Ai smiled, Ai rarely smile just like her father. The small girl slowly closed her eyes clenching a strand of her mothers hair, the woman's chair rocked back and forth as she hummed a tune to the small child.

Sasuke was restless, he loved his eyes the power that moved through them made him smile like a mad man. But something irked the Uchiha, made the emotionless man unable to sleep. He would lay awake the bandages around his eyes blinding him, he would ponder and think.

He would try to wonder where he would find Naruko, he scowled hitting the covers. He clenched his hair as Madara stared at him, the boy truly was losing his mind. He on the other hand was planning ahead, he saw victory in the war.

He closed his eyes as he remembered the anger of the Uchiha woman when she found out who had saved her life. She was bitter, she was angry. It was enjoyable, now Sasuke could concentrate without the girl in his way.

Sasuke sighed placing his head on the pillow, his eyes were slowly closing. He relaxed his muscles and body, slowly he closed them falling asleep.

Naruko woke up early in the morning to the crying of her child, she sat up fast and ran to th child's crib. She picked the small baby up and frowned. Something clearly was wrong, she looked around in panic and nearly fainted when her eyes laid on Tobi.

"She is very pretty."
"What," Naruko held her child close,"What do you want!"
"Nothing can't I see my own kind?" Tobi said smiling at Naruko, the woman held the child close.

As if holding on for life, her bangs covered her face as she looked at the man. He jumped into her room swiftly and hummed the same tune she used, she stepped back making a chakra wall between them.

"Your quite protective."
"L-Leave!" Naruko yelled and heard laugh from the masked man, he merely laughed and looked her in the eye.

"Get back in the game, your losing sight."
"I have a chi-"
"That isn't an excuse." Tobi said in a low tone, he wagged his finger left and right clicking his tongue.

"Sasuke will come back and kill you."
"Yes he will, you'll be dead if you don't get your game right, come on princess get your goals right."
"Sasuke was my goal!"
"Him, all you did was fight, kiss and make up, fight, sleep together and then," he made a popping sound,"Came the output little cute one over there." He said and chuckled a little, Naruko shook her head looking at Tobi.

"But Sasuke craves for you, he wants to slit that pretty little throat open and oh so make you cry in pain and suffering."
"I will make him change!"
"With a baby, get real Naruko, this isn't a fairytale. Babies make no change." Tobi said in a sing song manner, he twirled around clasping his gloved hands.

Naruko's heart was beating fast, her breathe was faster and her mind was buzzing too fast. She held her daughter close, the small girl stopped her crying and stared at her pale mother. The blonde girl's face was pale, her eyes were wide and her dry mouth was quivering.

"Hmm, your going to cry?"
"Go away!"
"Naruko let me remind you, Uchiha don't have emotion, love means nothing nothing to us. Be a ninja not a fool." Tobi said and was gone.

Naruko breathed heavily looking around her room, she placed her daughter into her crib and ran around the room packing her clothes and getting her bags. She frowned as her eyes landed on the far side of Konoha, she walked to the window.

A loud explosion came, there came large black flames engulfing, burning and lighting up anything in its destructive place. White smock slowly filled the night sky, the moon slowly tainting red in Naruko's eyes, she felt her skin grow cold and her stomach flip.

It was a sign of war.


Done and Done.

Let's go on.

Pls comment.

Battles will come, tears, love maybe and maybe Sasuke will gain his senses.

Thank  you for reading.

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