Brand New Day.

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Rihanna's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning completely unsure of where I was and how I'd found my way into such a beautiful room. Then Dejavu hit me and suddenly all the events unforgetful events raced through my mind. I suddenly realized I was completely selfish last night and forgotten all about Jaxon! I didn't even say good night. If it was anything Jaxon was the only person I needed to trust right now. Without another thought I got out of my bed and walked out the room, I headed back to the main lounge where we were last night. To my suprise there he was, seated on the couch. The amount of sudden joy I felt as I walked over to him was unexplainable. This nigga really had my back. "Jaxonnnn." I said as I seated next to him, flashing a toothy smile. He remained silent then looked at me with a straight face then back to the televisiom. "Really nigga? I take the time outta my beautiful morning to come and greet your ass and all you do is roll your eyes at me?" I asked in a more serious tone. He stared me down once again. I hated this side of him. The fvck had gotten into this nigga?
"Look, I aint got time for no attitu-"
He cut me off before I could continue.
"So how was Rakim last night, Rih."
I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. "I don't know what the fvck you talkin 'bout."
"Tell me. Did you like the way his sweet words fell from his lips. The way he calls you "Shawty"? Or the way you completely forgot you're just another target to him Rihanna. He doesn't give a flying fvck about you and it kills me to see you falling right into his trap. I know the way that nigga treats women, and it isn't very good. He's just trynna get into your panties and once he's done? Recycled. Replaced. You'll be gone. Up and outta his sight."

I listened carefully as he explained all this and I shook my head. "I'm so disappointed in you, Jaxon. Who ever knew jealousy could get the best of you like this?"
"Jealousy?! Oh so you really think I'm jealous of Rakim. What does he habe that I don't?"
I stared at him, then around this mansion and then back at him. He tensed his jaw, getting even more and more irritated by me.
"You're jealous. I can see it. How can you go from telling me how much of an amazing person he was to you, then bad mouth him and tell me to stay away from him the next? You're not making sense man. Shit don't act up." I said as I studied his features. He seemed as if he really didn't kmow what to say for himself. I always had a habit of putting people in their places.
He turned his body sideways, now facing me. "I just don't want anything bad happening to you, Rih. You may not care but for some reason I feel the need to secure you and make you feel as if you're safe. I don't want anything happening to you."
His words melted my heart. Jaxon was straight up, and all about his feelings. He was so rare, no nigga says that typa shit to women no more. It's constantly all about acting tough and never showing emotion but Jaxon on the other hand, was showing me other sides to men I'd never seen before. He's gentle, and very caring. Something I lacked in my abusive relationship. I noticed him lean in, due to our eye contact and this time I didn't hesitate to press my lips against his. He meant something to me too. He cared about me. No man ever has gave a shit about me, it's constantly been me putting my emotions across the line and getting nothing back.
The kiss remained passionate as I placed my hands on his shoulders, desperately trying to feel something, anything for this boy. I knew his type were the ones I'd been running from. The ones that'd treat me right.

Instantly our bodies flinched away from one another when we heard a sudden footstep, then the closing of a door. I looked back to the lounge door to find it closed. Funny thing was I'd left it open when I got here. I shrugged it off and got up, helping Jaxon up as well as a small smile left my lips. "So when we gon leave this place?"
"You really wanna part from this luxurious home, Rih?"
"Well, yeah, I mean no. Mmmm, yanno what I don't care as long as you're with me. I know I'll be safe." He chuckled a bit as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and headed over to what seemed to be the kitchen.

Rakim's P.O.V
"Getcho ass making some breakfast for everyone real quick. Make it snappy as fuck I got some errands to run."  I said to Amani, the house maid. I remained seated at the table waiting for Jaxon and Rihanna to both come in like they just ain't been talking some mad shit about me. And kissing up all on my 10k couch. Jaxon deadass got some nerve forreal. I showed him mercy at first and was even thinking on maybe forgiving him. But this is it. He's gone.

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