Her new obsession.

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Rihanna's P.O.V

I didn't even know what I was doing. Never in a million years would I have ever thought to do such a thing. I wanted to blame Rocky for this but he wasn't the one whole put on the mask and handed me the gun and bag. I did. This was all me and by the time I realised what I was doing was completely out of my character it was too late.

I felt in control. Something I never felt in my past relationship with Chris. It was crazy how a little weapon could give you so much confidence and lead you to do things you would never dare to thing of. I was scared but I swallowed the feeling and walked inside.

Instead of imagining I was alone I thought about one movie I'd watched which related to the act I was doing, Spring Breakers. They robbed a small cafe and got away with it. If they could do it then I could too, right? I just needed to pretend like this was a movie otherwise I'd panic and do something stupid.

I barged in the small cafe, instantly grasping everyone's attention. "Everyone get on the motherfucking ground, now!"

I yelled as I walked in the cafe.

Clearly, motherfuckers thought I was playing because no one obeyed my orders. That's the shit I don't like.

I pointed the gun at the ceiling and everyone gasped, I didn't hesitate to fire two shots and in less than the blink of my eye everyone was on the floor, underneath the tables.

I could hear children screaming, mothers grabbing their children and people leaving the cafe as I made my way to the cafe.

I jumped over the cash register, loving the thrill and new found adrenaline rush pumping through my veins. I'd never experienced such excitement before.

The cashier had off run off somewhere, pussy ass.

I opened the register as I took all the notes, and there was more than I thought. For a small cafe, their business was running amazing. Oh. That was until I came through of course.

I stashed all the money until there was nothing but lose coins. As I ran off and exited the car I could've sworn I head police sirens. Maybe it was just paranoia, or maybe it was reality.

Either way I didn't want to find out the hard way which was why I made a run for it and hopped in the range rover. Rakim pulled off as fast as he could before I could even catch my breath.

"Hate to say it but I told you so." I finally said after a minute of silence. I took off my mask and began emptying my money, making it rain on myself.

"All I see is signs, All I see is dollar signs.." I sang playfully.

He chuckled lowly. He clearly hated being proven wrong. He didn't think I had the balls to go through all that but once again, I was full of surprises. Don't ever underestimate me.

"That's hot. I don't think any other female besides you would do that, I dig that." He replied as he looked over at me with admiration, then back at the road.

"You know how I do, baby. Aha!" I laughed lightly as I stuck my tongue out and began counting up my money, focusing on it intently.

I never knew I could stack up so much money without having to actually put in hard work. Damn, where had robbing been all my life this shit was too easy.

This definitely wasn't the last of new found love of taking whatever I wanted whenever.

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