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My anger had driven me far away. When I drove I was escaping him. Attempting to leave behind the way he'd made me feel, the way my heart had ached when I witnessed the two of them like that.

"Be strong my Robz, don't cry over a man. The day you realise he needs you not the other way around, that's the day you never shed tears over no man again."

My mama's wise words played through my mind. She used to give lectures when I'd really be tripping over Chris.

I missed her so much. She taught me everything I knew. Dignity, self respect and how to carry myself as a bold woman.

She was the one to thank for all my strong personality.

I began to wonder what she would do in my situation.

"Definitely not cry." I whispered to myself as I wiped my tears.

I needed her. To comfort me and tell me everything was gonna be okay, I needed her to explain to me why women like Mercedes existed. What was wrong with them and why they went after what wasn't theirs.

I knew she'd have answers. Mama always had answers. She spoke from the heart due to past experiences. She had to know how I was feeling right now.

But she wasn't here. I was almost tempted to call her, but that would only worsen the situation and instantly give away my location.

I sighed heavily. It felt like a large weight was at my shoulders and to make matters worse, my heart felt shattered.

The only person who really had my back around here was Amani.

It was 5 in the morning but I was still rang up her line, desperately hoping she'd pick up. I needed her more than she thought.

The line rang once.


The third ring I almost hung up, figuring she was sleep until the ringing stopped and her familiar voice filled the car.

"Rih?" She answered, her voice low and raspy. I'd woken her up. I instantly felt bad.

"Amani.." I said as I sniffed. "Something happened, and I can't be around Rocky right now."

She instantly shuffled out of her bed. "Shit! What happened, I'm on my way to get you now." She said on the other line.

"No no no, you don't have to get me I already got away from the house, and don't worry it's not that serious...but I just need to be around you, I need someone to talk to."I said. Sighing out of frustraction after. I hadn't slept ever since it all happened. Just sat in the car and drowned myself in thoughts.

"Awh baby..." Amani said, pity lacing within her voice. "Where are you?"

I rolled down my window and squinted my eyes, looking over at the nearest sign.

"Just near some wellington street." I mumbled. I had no clue where I was. But I knew I was lost.

"Bitch that's only a minute away from Sean's house. Where you unconsciously making your way here or what?" She giggled over the phone.

I widened my eyes, a small smile forming at my lips. The only good thing that had happened to me so far.

"Take a turn into wellington then take the first left turn. Two houses down, you shouldn't miss it." She said and we both exchanged goodbyes. I followed her directions just after.

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