Good Night Friend! :)

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Arsh's mother will be introduced through this part. She's an Indian and her name is Thainmoly. She's an English teacher in a highschool nearby. As a mother she's strict to her daughter otherwise she's a friendly, kind and lovely woman.

Two days later...

Arsh was just lying on the couch, still couldn't believe Rockstar accepted her as his friend and having a cup of coffee with him. As though we do. Indeed its barely possible for a fan to be a friend that fast which could be only in dreams. But this girl is lucky. It was time for dinner. "Arsh, let's have dinner! I've cooked your favourite sweetsour!" her mom called her to join. "Yummy!.. but what about dad?" Arsh asked. "He's not back yet." she continued. "Yeah, he called me just now saying that he has work pending.. he might be late." her mom replied. Listening to that she just went joining her mom. As Arsh was eating, she kept on smiling to herself thinking about the past. Her mom was pretty confused wth her behaviour this time. "What are you thinking about?.. eat fast and go to bed!" her mom pleaded. Arsh just kept quiet and continued. Later, she went to the kitchen and washed her plate while her mom was clearing up everything. Silly girl! Guess what? She took that washed one and kept it in the refrigerator. Mom opened her eyes wide saying "Are you crazy!?". "You're asking me?" Arsh asked back still not realising what she just did. "Your thoughts are somewhere else.. Why are you leaving the washed plate in the fridge!?" mom asked again angrily. Then Arsh got back to her senses. "Oops! Sorry.." saying that she took the plate out and placed it on the rack. "I see you not normal for the past few days! What's happening?" her mom asked again. This mother is too strict, isn't she? "Nothing mom.. don't imagine!" saying that Arsh just ran up to her room getting away from her mom's twists.

She grabbed her water bottle on the table and drank, walking out to her balcony. While she was drinking...

Arsh's POV...

What the hell I just did? Get back to your senses Arsh.. Enough of all those sweet memories.. Now go to bed! But wait.. Can I text Rockstar? Is it right for me to do so?.. Huh! Are we not friends now? ..and ya he'll be leaving to Chennai in a few days time.. If not now, I don't know when I'll meet him again.. Yet Rockstar is not gonna use this number anymore! Hmm..

She went in and took her phone to text but then she was quite reluctant to do as it would not be decent. Arsh kept her phone aside and sat on the bed to pray. She switched off her lamp light later and snuggled down under her blanket. Few minutes later, as Arsh was about to doze off, her phone buzzed. She creeped out her hand being lazy to get up and grabbed her phone. She saw a text message. Arsh couldn't read it clearly as the brightness was blocking her vision. She rubbed her eyes and read again. To her utter surprise..

Message received..

Good night friend.. sweet dreams! :)

Arsh grinned looking at the screen. She reread the same line a few times not getting out off it again. She put up a big smile on her face. All she thought was, was he reading my mind! She replied him quickly..

Good night to you too Rockstar! :)

Arsh's POV..

I wanted to, but then you just did it!! You are really awesome! I'm blessed to know you Rockstar.. You made my day!.. Good night!

She went to bed as she heard her mom coming upstairs...

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES...

Sorry guys for the late update, no internet connections this time..

And sorry again for this boring part.. I'll try my best in the next one..

Thank you all for the 160 views.. means a lot for a beginner :)

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