Kick Start!

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Anirudh and his friends landed in London early in the morning. They checked in the hotel they booked and went to sleep straight as they were so tired.

Few hours later, Anirudh got up and went to have a good bath. He did his morning duties and later changed himself into a T-shirt and sweatpants. He then woke the others up and rushed them.

"Guys, get up quick! We have lots of work to do!" Anirudh said, pushing them down. "Dei, few hours more da please.." Shashank pleaded.

"Few hours more? It's already 11. The manager will be waiting for us!" Anirudh replied, nonchalantly.

"Okay. Give us 15 minutes, we'll get ready!" Iyappan told, in a sleepy tone. "Come fast, I'll be waiting outside!" Anirudh said and exited the room.

Half an hours later, the boys came out. "Shall we go?" Iyappan asked. "Yeah, shall we go?" Anirudh repeated his question, in a teasing tone. "Vanthathey late-u, ithule shall we go-a!" He continued.

"Pothum da vaa poolam." Iyappan said, irritated. All of them got into the car and left to the place.

-----skip the ride-----

In the OFFICE..

"Hye Sir, I'm Anirudh" Anirudh greeted, shaking hands with the manager. "Welcome Sir!" The manager welcomed. "How can I help you Sir?" He continued.

"Actually I need a place for a birthday celebration." Anirudh explained. "Sure Sir.. how big would you prefer?" the manager asked again. "It's gonna be a small party.. but I want it to be really grand" Anirudh briefed.

"Fine Sir.. here, take a look of all these designs and let me know which you would prefer?" The manager said, handing over the laptop to Anirudh.

Anirudh took half an hours to deside. "Sir, I would prefer this one.." Anirudh stated, clicking to the sample. Done with the arrangements and other extra plans.

"Thank you so much for your time Sir!" Anirudh thanked. "Welcome Sir.. come again." the manager said, smiling.

"Appada.. done with the hall!" Anirudh exclaimed, leaving out a sigh of relief. "Apedi what only you planned?" Iyappan asked. "You took years to come out.." He continued. "You'll know on Sunday." Anirudh replied, walking out. The others shrugged to themselves and followed.

"Guys! Now, would you all like to follow me for shopping or all of you want to continue with the band?" Anirudh asked.

"Hmm.. We'll go for the second option." Shashank and Sajith said, chorusly. "Me too.." Iyappan agreed. Everyone turned their gaze to Sreyas. He kept quiet for sometime and then spoke. "I'll follow you then." Anirudh smiled to his reply.

"Okay guys.. we'll see you all later" Anirudh said, taking off in another cab.

-----skip the ride-----


Anirudh and Sreyas were walking together. They were so silent and Anirudh didn't like it.

"Deyh.. I'm sorry macha" Anirudh apologized. "I didn't mean to do that and I'll not do it again.." He continued.

"That's okay cha.. let's get into what we came for" Sreyas replied, looking at his path. Anirudh didn't want to continue. He just shrugged and followed. They went to H&M.

"Hello Sir.. how can I help you?" A lady assistant came approaching them. "Hye! Ladies section please. I would like to purchase a dress." Anirudh explained.

The First Meet #AnirudhLiveinLondon (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now