Plans To Be Planned ;)

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As usual Iyappan and Sreyas were playing video games. "Dei! We have finished with our projects. Shall we travel somewhere?" Anirudh asked, sitting on the couch. "That's a great idea macha!" A voice came out from nowhere. It was Shashank. "Yenda tidirnu?" Iyappan asked, tapping the buttons on his game controller. "Just to relax!" Anirudh replied, casually. "Where do you plan to go?" Iyappan questioned again. "Hmm.. London!" Anirudh told. "Yennadhu, London ah?" Sreyas asked, pausing his game. He turned and looked at Shashank. Shashank shrugged motioning that he didn't know anything. Anirudh looked at both of them.

"What are you guys thinking all about?" Anirudh asked, being unsure. "Huh! Illa, we just went to London and again London ah?" Sreyas asked, hesitantly. "So what da? Don't you love London?" Anirudh asked. "I love London!" someone exclaimed, from the back. It was Sajith. Everyone turned back and looked at him. He gave a grinned smile, shyly.

"Purinjuthu! Now I understand why!" Iyappan said, all of a sudden. Everyone turned their head towards him. "What you understood?" Anirudh asked, furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why you had specifically decided London for tour" Iyappan briefed, teasingly. "Don't blabber da!" Anirudh said, rolling his eyes. "He's not blabbering da. Avan right-a dhan solluran" Shashank said. "Ippo dhan ennakay yennanu puriyidhu" he added. "Oh God! Can you all be straight forward for God's sake!" Anirudh pleaded, feeling annoyed. He grabbed the glass beside and drank some water. All of them giggled.

"Does Arsh know that you are going there?" Sajith asked, winking. Anirudh jerked listening to his question. He nearly chocked himself. He coughed hardly, letting out tears. Shashank quickly went and tap his head and back. "Slowly da!" he advised.

Anirudh wipes his mouth and kept silent. "C'mon tell me, does Arsh know anything about this?" Sajith questioned back. Anirudh stared at him. "Why must she know?" Anirudh asked, acting, as eve it was not in his plan. "Nadikadha da!" Iyappan requested, playing his last match.

"Okay, lets be straight forward. You are going there to meet Arsh right?" Sajith asked, nonchalantly. Anirudh didn't know what to answer. He gulped, clipped his eyelids a few times and finally dropped his head down. "Is that why you decided to go to London?" Iyappan asked. Anirudh nodded slowly, biting his lip. "Dei, if that was your thought, we are so happy for you da!" Shashank exclaimed, snaking his arm around Anirudh's neck. Anirudh looked up into Shashank's eyes. He felt so guilty.

"Che! I don't know why are you behaving like this cha!" Sreyas said, depressed. "Are you trying to hide all these stuffs from us? Aren't we your closest ones?" he added, angrily. Anirudh just kept quiet. "Who knows? Maybe he'll not be ours too once he's married" Sreyas continued. "Sreyas! Don't ever talk like that. Please!" Anirudh pleaded. "I'm not 'Anirudh' or what I am, without you guys" he continued. Anirudh started crying. Shashank patted him.

"Dei Sreyu! Unakku vereh velayai illayada?" Shashank scolded. "Ani, macha! Look here." he pleaded, tinting up Anirudh's chin. Anirudh's eyes were red. "Don't be childish da! He just joked. Don't take it serious." Shashank told, calming Anirudh down. "Illa da macha? You were joking right?" he asked Sreyas, motioning him to tell yes. Sreyas understood and spoke. "Yeah! Just for fun" Sreyas said, faking a smile.

Anirudh got up and walked towards his room. "Where are you going? We want to help you with your plans in your head!" Sajith said, smiling. Anirudh stopped his track. All of them ran towards him except for Sreyas. They hugged him tight. Anirudh was looking at Sreyas, but he didn't seem to bother.

"I talked to Amma and Appa about this, few days back. I'm cleared and I have decided! Arsh will be the one" Anirudh said, nonchalantly. "Great da! Finally someone has fallen in love" Iyappan teased, feeling relieved. Anirudh blushed.

"So when are you gonna confess officially?" Shashank asked. "On her birthday!" Anirudh answered. "Wow da! Double gift it's gonna be" Sajith spoke. "Triple, no.. no.. quadruple!" Iyappan told. "Why quadruple?" Anirudh asked, doubtly. " Her birthday, proposal on that day, we are going there, party.. oh party!" Iyappan explained. All started laughing but Sreyas was still on his mood. He rolled his eyes and walked away. "Vidu macha! He'll be fine later" Sajith said, looking at Sreyas leaving.

"I'm really sorry guys. I didn't know how to tell you all. But macha, you people can read people's mind really well! Thank you so much!" Anirudh thanked, feeling blessed. "Doesn't matter.. but don't do this next time. Just share with us anything, anytime, no matter what. We are here for you!" Iyappan said, comforting him.

"Hmm.. okay! I promise." Anirudh promised. "Now, shall we go and plan?" Anirudh asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Sure da! Let's go." Iyappan, Shashank and Sajith told chorusly.

They went into the room and started planning.

"Her birthday is falling next Sunday!" Anirudh said. "So, one of you book our tickets for next Friday. We'll have two days to do all the arrangements." He continued. "I'll do with the tickets" Shashank volunteered  himself. "What about when we reach London?" Iyappan asked. "Hmm.. we have to book a hotel too. I'll do all that." Anirudh said. "What sort of a birthday plan are you up with!." Sajith asked, being unsure. "Hmm.. I want it to be a surprise! Like this.. We will..." Anirudh explained, excitedly and clearly. For more than 10 minutes they had discussions. "Shaabah! Ippove kannu tying-up!" Shashank said, dropping his head on the pillow. "What??" Anirudh asked, with confusion. "Kannu kattedhu dhan avare English-la translate!" Iyappan explained, giggling. Anirudh shaked his head left and right, arching an eyebrow. They all laughed.

They spent the rest of the night, having fun teasing and gossiping among like grandmas. They then drift off on the bed just like that, after days of sleepless nights.

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES..


Friends are gold! I love their friendship. Hmm.. Sreyas is being a little moody. It's not his fault though, if you actually look into it, you'll realise that Sreyas is being possessive.

Meanwhile, everything here is being planned. Anirudh sollitharu, it's a surprise. We'll meet him officially on the day then. Maybe. :)

But how is he gonna meet Arsh?  How is he going to confess? What will be Arsh's reaction? You want to know all these, you have to stay tuned. ;)

How was this part? Hope you guys liked it. I personally liked. Do comment and vote too. Thank you ♡

Dedicating this part to lydiarudh . As you wished, I've updated this week too mate. Thank you and sorry :)

I'll like to take the opportunity, letting you lovely readers know that there's these two of my new friends, our friends, vaibavi and SwastikaVeera who have started with a new story, titled 'It's Not You'. An Anirudh Fanfic it is. This is the account where it's gonna be updated- Zing_ed ..Support them too in all ways you guys could. Thank you :)

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