The Care

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Two months just past like in a clip of eye. Rockstar was busy with his release of his new album (NRD), gathering at the audio launch and so on. The songs were received well by the people outside. Twitters went flooding by the wishes and positive feedbacks the whole month. Rockstar was so happy that he had no words to express his feelings. He tweeted a thanking message to the whole media, friends and of all most his huge proud fans for all the love towards the album. Meanwhile, Arsh here was busy with her semester exams. She studied like a nerd, burning the midnight oil to gain good scores in every subject she sat for. Arsh too was happy as she could answer all the papers but of her overconfidence she missed few questions in her Maths paper which made her weak. That was her last exam she sat for and her badges were released with three weeks of semester holidays.

Few days later...

Arsh went through her objective papers and checked out with her friends. She got to know she did some careless mistakes and left out two tuff questions. She couldn't digest them. She cried in the room alone not letting anyone know. She was not able to share it with her dad as he was busy with his own business and her mom, that would be worse. She will start scolding for no reason. Being a strick teacher at home is even worse. She cried hard being alone in the room this time. That was the time Arsh's phone rang. She grinned at her screen and saw a call from 'Rockstar'. She didn't pick the call at first but then hesitantly picked it as it would be immoral if she does not.

On the line..

Arsh:Hello.. (low tone)

Anirudh:Hey Arshu! How are you?.. Has been a long time right since we both had a chitchat?

Arsh:Fine.. yeah! (wipping)

Anirudh:Sorry, I was busy with my projects and yeah.. how was your exams?

Arsh: Don't feel sorry! Hmm.. it went well. (still wipping)

Ani: Arshu.. are you okay? Your speech doesn't seem normal at all. Any problem?


Ani: Arsh.. are you there?

Arsh: Huh! Yeah.. Rockstar can I call you back later? I'm not in the mood now and I just want to be alone for some reasons. Thank you.

Arsh replied nonchalantly and hung up the phone before Anirudh could reply any. Anirudh smiled to himself as he understood that Arsh had problems. "Maybe I could text her to calm her down" Anirudh told to himself and started texting.

' Arshu.. are you okay? I know you are depressed of something but you definitely need a person to share your worries with. C'mon! pour it out if you feel that I'm okay with you. I'm not forcing and at the same time pls don't be sad :) I expect hearing a cheery voice of my fangirl later. Take care :) '

Arsh's phone buzzed! She slid in and read the text. A smile appeared on her face after that. She calmed herself down and decided to call Anirudh.

On the line..

Arsh:Hello Rockstar!

Anirudh: Hey! Are you okay?

Arsh: Yeah!.. I'm fine (in a pleasant tone)

Anirudh: There, I here you feeling good now!

Arsh: Thanks Rockstar!

Anirudh: Pleasure! So, what was bothering you?

Arsh: It was all about my exam. I read everything well and did lots of exercises. I was so confident that I could do great, but just got to know that I did few careless mistakes and the most worrying me now is that I left out two questions due to lack of time. This time I'll fail I..

Before she could finish her sentence, Anirudh interfered.

Anirudh: Can you please stop being negative minded!

Arshieni: No Rockstar.. you don't understand.

Anirudh: Understanding is not the problem now. You said you studied well. Of course the studied ones will be confident as you were. Maybe your timing was not right this time but it doesn't mean if you did mistakes or left questions blanked you will fail. You could get higher marks in the ones which you have answered well right? Think that way. In the next exam you'll be sitting for, you'll do it better than what you have done now. You have learnt lessons that you have to manage your time and so on. Do you get me?

Arsh: Yup, I got you. I understood. Thanks for the advice.

Anirudh: It doesn't matter.

Arsh: Hmm..

Anirudh: Umm..

Arsh: I have no idea what to talk Rockstar.

Anirudh: Have you heard my reason album from the movie Naanum Rowdy Dhan?

Arsh: Oh yeah.. I heard them. All of them were awesome as usual. I loved them a lot especially Neeyum Naanum and Thangamey. The bgms were fantastic mashing up with the drum, piano, violin and guitar! Wow! Adi dhool Rockstar!

Anirudh: Thank you so much Arshu.. Yeah, the two songs are my personal favourites too.. Wahh.. you really went deep into them I guess. I mean you go through the beats..

Arsh: Yeah, Rockstar. Umm.. I didn't believe that you wrote a lyrics. Loved it too!

Anirudh: New attempt..

Arsh: Love really changed you!? You said so in your lyrics. (teasing tone)

Ani: Recently yeah.. (without his knowledge)

Arsh: Woah.. Really? Who's that luckiest girl ever?

Ani: What? Which girl?

Arsh: The girl who recently changed you?

Ani: There's no such thing. I just created it.

Arsh: Rockstar.. you just told me 'yeah, recently' when I asked you whether love really changed you or not?

Ani: Did I said so?

Arsh: Yeah.. Are you daydreaming?

Ani: No.. I don't remember saying it.

Arsh: It's okay.. Hmm.. it's better for you to find one quick! Because you are getting older you know? (teasing and giggling)

Anirudh: Hello! I'm just 25 okay for your kind information. I'm not in the idea of marrying anyone so early.. Maybe late 30.

Arsh: Just chill.. I was kidding Rockstar.

Anirudh: I know.. okay then maybe I'll call you after two days.. I'm gonna sleep peacefully now after a hactic week. Good night! Take care.

Arsh: Sleep tight. Take care.. Bubbye!

Arsh's POV...

Oh God! He's such a human being. What kind of an attitude man? God, I feel blessed and I'm proud of myself knowing him. I thank you for bringing him into my life. Thank you so much! It's not gonna end and it will never.

Anirudh's POV...

Dei Ani, don't you think before you talk? Anyways, luckily I had something to cover up. Her attitude! She's still innocent. I feel so good talking to her. To be honest, I just like her so much. I don't really know how to tell her. Is it gonna be right? What if she says no? Oh God! Huh! Who's the luckiest girl? You the one la.. I thank the God for bringing you into my life. I fill so lucky that I have met you Arshu. I have not gathered my courages yet! Once done, that's it! Now, let me have a good rest. Good night!

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES..


Rockstar was so caring right? His advice, well said! I guess he's gonna confess his love soon.. let's see ;)

What about Arsh? Naughty fan she is, she keeps teasing Anirudh! Innocent man :)

How was this part? Not much idea. Hope the advices given were useful. Do comment and vote too. Thank you ♡

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