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Arsh reached Mridulla's house. She asked her driver to give her an hour and got down from the car. She walked in quickly and rang the bell. Mridulla's mom came opening the door. "Hello aunty!" Arsh greeted. "Hye dear!" Mridulla's mom greeted hugging her tight. "I just dropped by here to pay Mri a visit.. I heard she's sick.." Arsh explained. "Oh I see.. Yeah, she's right upstairs in her bedroom taking rest" Mridulla's mom said pointing upstairs.

Arsh excused herself and ran upstairs. She wanted to knock the door but then she taught it might disturb Mridulla if she was asleep. Arsh saw the door unlock. She opened slowly and tip-toed towards Mridulla's bed. She was sleeping soundly. Arsh sat beside her on the bed. Mridulla then sensed someone beside her and so she slowly opened her eyes yawning. She widened her eyes when she saw Arsh beside her.

"Hello Mri!" Arsh greeted her smiling. Mridulla got up slowly. "Don't stress yourself.. wait let me help you" Arsh pleaded putting the pillow upward. She then helped Mridulla rest against it. "Thanks Rudhbaby!" Mridulla thanked with a croaky voice. "Hey! Are you having sore throat?" Arsh asked doubtly. Mridulla just nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are sick yesterday when I called you?" Arsh asked. "You didn't even sound like that." she continued. "It was slightly before and now it had worsen." Mridulla explained coughing."Here drink some water." Arsh handed in the glass of water beside her and tapped on Mridulla's back. Mridulla drank and took a deep breath."Actually I didn't want to trouble you.. and I know you would do this if you knew.. I even told Alice not to tell but then she.." Mridulla said feeling guilty. She didn't look up to Arsh. Arsh just smiled and patted her shoulder. "Cool baby! See.. its neither yours or Alice's fault.

"Okay have you taken your medicines?" Arsh asked. "Yup, mum gave me just now with porridge" Alice said trying to clear her throat. "Okay then, I think you don't have to be worried of your assignments.. just take good rest and I'll help you pass all the worksheets home" Arsh said, concerning about her friend's health and studies. "Thanks Rudh" was all Mridulla could say. "No thanks between besties okay?" Arsh commented.

Calling Arsh "Rudh" reminded Mridulla about the concert. "How was concert that day?" Mridulla asked softly. "Yeah! It was awesome!.. actually I wanted to tell you that I met Anirudh" Arsh explained, feeling excited. "You know what? He called me for a coffee.. we took.." before Arsh could finish her sentence Mri intefered. "Hello! Hello! Stop!.. WHAT?? Anirudh the Youth Sensation called you for coffee? Even, if it is telecast in the news I'll not believe.. It doesn't mean, if I'm your bestie, I have to listen to all you cracks!" Mridulla spilt out with her croaky voice. Arsh chuckled as she took out her phone and slid in. She went to the gallery and tapped on the selfies she took with Anirudh. She showed Mridulla.

Mridulla grinned at the screen for minutes scrolling the pictures back to back. She looked at Arsh in an utter surprise. "Hey! Yeppadi di?" Mridulla asked. "I'm still wondering di.. I didn't expect this will happen" Arsh answered, still having the goosebumps all over her arms thinking about it.

Arsh then told everything what happened including the message. "Dei! Yennadi ithu? I still can't believe my eyes and ears! I'm so happy for you.. How long you had been longing to meet your celebrity crush and finally! Wow.. what else more you need as an ANIRUDHIAN?" Mridulla exclaimed, hitting one of Arsh's shoulder. Arsh just smiled looking throught her phone.

"So from a fan to a friend" Mridulla said.. "Then next adding the word 'girl' infront of it is it?" Mridulla continued in a teasing tone. Arsh was blurred. "What are you blabbering? I don't get you. Arsh questioned. "I meant girlfriend" Mridulla briefed. Arsh laughted. "Who would not like to be one? He's always my crush.. not only mine, you and millions of girl out there.. the lucky one will be the luckies.. even that luckiest one will be an anirudhian I'm sure" she said.

"What if its you?" Mridulla asked smirking. Arsh didn't take it serious. "Just don't imagine!" she exclaimed and glanced at her watch. It was more than an hour. She quickly got up from the bed and helped Mridulla lay on the bed again. "Thanks for coming Arsh! I'm feeling quite better now" Mridulla thanked her. "Get well soon" Arsh comforted. She hugged her tight and left.

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES...

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