Friendly Conversation

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Arsh opened her eyes widely hearing the name 'Anirudh'. She glanced at her phone again. "Rockstarrrr!!" she screamed like hell. "Oh My God!! Oh My Goodness!!" she continued, screaming.

Meanwhile, on the other side Anirudh jerked himself of her sudden scream. "Hey! Why are you screaming now dude? Kathu kiliya kattureh." he said rubbing his ear in pain.

Arsh got back to her senses."Hey Arsh! Yennadi pandre?.. Control yourself! Romba adathe." she had a monolog again in her head. "Haan! Sorry.. Just for fun" she said, feeling embarrassed. "Its okay" was all Anirudh replied.

"Number fancy-ya iruku" Arsh said, teasingly. "Haha.. India-la, thats why" Anirudh replied, laughing to her statement.

"Hold on again, I'll go out to the balcony" Arsh pleaded, leaving her way out to the balcony.

"Why? What happened?" Anirudh interrogated.

"My mom might hear me. She just entered my room just now when you called" Arsh explained.

An 'Oh' was all Anirudh answered, thinking. "But you can just tell her its me on the line right?" he continued.

"No, I don't want to let her know anything now" Arsh answered practically. She still had the little feelings for her Rockstar but she didn't want to reveal anything out, even to him.

"Not letting her know anything now? What you mean?" Anirudh asked doubtly. "Umm.. let it go! So, I thought you forgot your fangirl." Arsh said, changing the topic.

"How would I? You are always there in my heart" Anirudh replied her nonchalantly.

"What? Come again." Arsh asked, being unsure of his previous sentence.

"No.. no.. no.. I meant, nothing dude! You are always remembered" Anirudh manipulated. "Wait, did you receive a short note from a stewardess Anirudh asked, reminding himself about the note.

"Yeah I got it. Thanks for the lovely words" she thanked. "I thought we'll not get to meet in any chances after that. How did you know that I'll be at the airport?"she asked.

"You didn't even reply my last text. Remember you asked me where was I?" That made me thought that you'll come. But unfortunately you were late" Anirudh explained.

"I'm sorry Rockstar! I tried giving you a surprise but it didn't work out at last" she apologized, sadly.

"No worries. Now we are together right? Chi!! We are connected right?" Anirudh blabbered. "So how's studies going on" he continued.

"Umm.. its going great! Mid year semester exams are around the corner" Arsh replied, feeling stressed out thinking about it.

"Oh, study hard then! All the very best!" Anirudh wished.

"Surely I will! Thank you Rockstar" Arsh replied him, confidently.

"Hmm.. can I know what's the time there?" Anirudh asked, being unsure of the local time there.

"Its 3 a.m. here Rockstar!" she answered, slumberly, glancing at her phone.

Huh! Guys, remember someone was annoyed with her friend for disturbing her during her study time at2 a.m. . Now where is the anger all gone? I guess, she can tolerate this particular kosu tholle. Weirdo! ;)

"What? 3 a.m.? And you are answering me like its just 11 p.m." he said, feeling awkward with her statement. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep. I'll talk to you later" he continued, feeling guilty.

"C'mon, chill Rockstar! I'm not sleepy yet. Pleasure speaking to you" Arsh replied coolly. "What about there?" she continued.

"Its 7 a.m. here. By the way, can you please stop calling me 'Rockstar'. In every reply there will be this word. I'm tired of it. Just call me Ani" Anirudh warned.

"What am I to do? Its my mouth being so stuborn" she answered sarcastically.

"Whatever. You can just call me Ani. Hmm.. can I ask you something?" Anirudh asked, feeling a little hesitated.

"Sure. Why not? But, don't ask me silly questions like in the cafe the other day" she pleaded, giggling on the other side.

"No I won't. I wanted to know if 'Arsh' was your real name. Is that all?" Anirudh asked all of a sudden.

"Yeah, why?" Arsh answered casually. "Nope, Just wanted to clear my doubt" Anirudh replied calmly.

"Hmm.. can I call you Arshu" he asked again, hesitantly.

"Arshuu?? Why suddenly? None of them have called me with that kind of a name before. Its awkward." Arsh flushed out, being straight foward.

"Oh, then its good! I'll be the only one calling you like that then.." Anirudh replied, chuckling. "And loose! There's nothing to be so awkward in adding a letter 'u' at the back of your name. Its cuter than Arsh" he added. Arsh just blushed listening to his comment.

"What did you just called me?" she asked, in an angry tone.

"Haha.. chill. After all just loose. You called me kirukka just now remember" Anirudh reminded her, giggling. "Hehe.. it came in a flow as I thought it was my friend" Arsh briefed, shyly.

"Whatever, you haven't answered my question yet. Can I?" Anirudh asked. "Yeah, sure. I'm not used to it but then the way you prefer" she agreed finally. Anirudh thanked her.

"Thats fine. You'll get to know more later" Arsh replied, softly. "Really? he said, excitedly. "You heard me? Okay then, Rockstar.We are knowingly close friends now. Aren't we? Hope this bond last till the end. Thank you so much Mr. Anirudh Ravichander. Its truly miricle. I think I'll excuse myself for now. I'm feeling sleepy already." she admitted, yawning.

Anirudh was shattered with her reply "I hope we'll not end up in that way" He thought to himself.

"Hello.. Rockstar are you there?" Arsh asked, unsurely, if he was still on the line.

"Yeah.. yeah. Sure! Thanks and good night" Anirudh greeted and hung up the phone.

Arsh's POV..

I hung up the phone and went into my bedroom closing the sliding door. I was happy that he still had my number. I saved his number in my phone as 'Rockstar' and walked towards my dressing table. I stood infront of the mirror looking at my reflection. My eyes were red and the water vapour from my mouth covered the mirror glass making it blur when I yawned loudly. I felt weird, when Rockstar talked to me so casually like to his close friends he's with. I loved it tho! I've just got to experience the way he is in his real life although I've listened to many. I never believe that he himself will call me. I smiled to my reflection and went to bed peacefully getting back my Rockstar in contact.

Anirudh's POV...

Her voice, oh my God! How childish she is? Hmm.. friends till the end? She don't have the little feelings that I have for her is it? Let's see where is this gonna end. I consoled myself glancing at the clock. It was 9 a.m. . I quickly grabbed my car key on the cupboard and went out. I know mom is gonna scold me like anything for not going back straight home after landing. I can't escape tho as she'll be the one opening the front door for me! "Secretly have to make a spare key for myself " I thought to myself and started arranging all my bags and luggage in the booth. I switched on my car engine and drove off straight home from studio.

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES..

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