Thalli Pogathey Enaiyum Thalli Poga Sollathey!

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Finally the day arrived for Rockstar to leave to Chennai. All of them packed their luggages and Rockstar didn't forget that 'big box'. He arranged all the staffs in a different case and they got ready to check out the Courthouse Hotel early noon. They booked a taxicab.

------skip the 40 mins ride------


They did all the formalities and went to the departure lounge. They had two hours for their departure. Sajith and the gang started taking selfies. Anirudh was bored. He was just gazing through looking at the airplanes taking off. Suddenly he remembered Arsh. He started thinking.

"Shall I text her that I'm leaving? Pannuvoma vendhama?" Anirudh spoke mindvoice. He slid his phone out from his pocket and started texting her.

' Hey Arsh! I'm leaving to Chennai.. Just letting
you to know. So, until next time :)


Meanwhile, here Arsh was busy with her last touch up of her project. She heard her phone buzz. She took it casually and slid in, reading the message. "What, you're leaving today?" she said to herself, feeling upset. Arsh texted back.

' I thought tomorrow? Where are you know Rockstar?'

Rockstsar's phone buzzed. He quicky slid in as he knew it will be Arsh. He replied her text.

' I'm at the Airport (LCA) . Flight one and a half hours time'

Arsh received the message." So, the flight is at 4 noon.. Shit! I'm lacking in of time " Arsh said to herself. She cleared her study table and went to fresh up herself. She just wore on her leggings and a blouse. Arsh took her long shoulder bag and her jacket and strolled downstairs. Her mom was in the kitchen. "Mum! I'm leaving to my friend's house.. bye!" Arsh said quickly and took her step out. "Why suddenly?" her mom asked doubtly from the kitchen. "Hmm.. I need.. Ah! Group studies mom" Arsh lied. "I don't see any books in your hand" her mom said. " Oh God! I've left it in the car earlier.. I'll leave now" Arsh replied, quite tensed up as it was getting late. "Okay! Drive save" was all Arsh heard from inside. She was guilty for lying but didn't know why she did that. Why wasn't she just straight forward to her mom? Driver Satya was on off that day so Arsh had to drive all by her own. She got in her Audi and drove off to the airport.

Here in the airport (an hour later) ...

' Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre - boarding announcement for flight BA0035 to Chennai, India. We are now inviting those passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.'

Anirudh, his friends and his other colleagues got themselves ready. They were all so excited to live to their motherland after a week. Anirudh was still grining at his phone screen. Maybe waiting for Arsh's reply but there were non. "Dei macha! Why are you keep looking at the screen?" Sreyas asked. "Nothing da" Anirudh said in a sad tone. "Don't lie, you don't sound normal at all. Any problem?" Sajith came from no where asking, putting his arm around Anirudh's neck. "Illa da! Just having slight headache" Anirudh said, taking back his seat. "Intha, drink some water" Sreyas pleaded, handing in a bottle of mineral water. Anirudh drank and kept silent. "Okay! Okay! Its time to leave. Let's go" Shashank shouted from far waving. All of them got up and started walking towards the pathway. Rockstar turned around a few times to see if Arsh was coming and at last he left.

Arsh reached the airport. She glanced at her watch running into. There were 20 minutes left before the flight take off. She ran to the departure lounge for passangers leaving to Chennai. Unfortunately, there were no one. She asked for help at the airline representitive but they couldn't help her. She took her seat, resting her head down. Arsh was feeling exhausted and at the same time dissapointed. "I failed! That's it. I'm not gonna meet Rockstar after this. I should have just texted him. He was right, until next time" Arsh spoke mindvoice when she was distracted with an announcement.

' This is the final boarding call for passanger Anirudh Ravichander booked on flight BA0035 to Chennai, India. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately 10 minutes time. I repeat, this is the final boarding call for Anirudh Ravichander. Thank you.'

Arsh got up and stood stund. Her eyes widened looking at the big speakers above announcing. So many thoughts were running in her mind when she suddenly felt a hand touching her right shoulder. Arsh turned around to see who was that. She saw..

Whom she might have seen? Keep guessing!

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES..


Both of them, nothing more than friends right? No, because they do behave so awkward.. Don't they? ;)

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